]> gitweb.hamatoma.de Git - robosim/summary
descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeSat, 8 Nov 2014 07:48:18 +0000 (08:48 +0100)
2014-11-08 hamaText widget, status line master
2014-10-19 hamacolor, oscillation
2014-10-12 hamaFix collision check, transformation, refactoring
2014-10-11 hamaasserts replaced by RuntimeExceptions
2014-10-11 hamaCollision detection, refactoring
2014-10-10 hamaCorrect move of Movable, refactoring
2014-10-09 hamaRefactoring: dividing Robot/RobotModel from the Movable...
2014-10-09 hamadocumentation (javadoc)
2014-10-09 hamainitial state
10 years ago master