]> gitweb.hamatoma.de Git - jpinet/summary
descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeSun, 31 Jul 2016 13:36:13 +0000 (15:36 +0200)
2016-07-31 hama[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development... master
2016-07-31 hama[maven-release-plugin] prepare release v0.1 v0.1
2016-07-31 hamaClient: -v option, pom.xml: scm
2016-07-30 hamajavadoc improvements, installer
2016-07-28 hamajavadoc corrections
2016-07-27 hamavariable assignment works, comboboxes
2016-07-26 hamaScanner: number with suffix, tests completed
2016-07-25 hamaexpression full tested, StringUtils full tested
2016-07-24 hamaExpression works
2016-07-24 hamanew: Expression, PWM output
2016-07-14 hamaGpioSettings: InputData
2016-07-13 hamaGPIO settings can handle output (blinking)
2016-07-12 hamaMultiChannelSheet works
2016-07-07 hamaDiagram shows functions
2016-07-06 hamaDiagram, PairData...
2016-07-03 hamablink() works
8 years ago v0.1 [maven-release-plugin] copy for...
8 years ago master