]> gitweb.hamatoma.de Git - crepublib/shortlog
2015-01-11 hamaRefactoring: ReSeqList is now efficient (sorting).
2015-01-09 kawiwarnings
2015-01-08 hamadayly work
2015-01-08 kawiwindows adaptions, test code
2015-01-07 hamaRefactoring, ReByteBuffer::firstDifference()
2015-01-07 kawicopyfile for windows
2015-01-07 kawitests clean under windows
2015-01-06 hamadirtools sync implemented
2015-01-06 hamacunit test clean
2015-01-06 hamavalgrind clean
2015-01-06 hamalinux corrections
2015-01-05 kawidirtools sync
2015-01-05 kawinot pattern starts now with '-' (^ is a meta char in...
2015-01-04 kawitesting dirtools with many options
2015-01-04 kawidirtool help stuff improvements
2015-01-04 kawidirtool list works
2015-01-03 kawi"dirtool list" command implemented
2015-01-03 kawiReDirOptions optimized
2015-01-03 kawidirtools: universal option handling
2015-01-03 kawidirtool "statistic" works.
2015-01-02 kawifix: endless loop
2015-01-02 kawi+ class ReDirTools
2015-01-02 kawiReDirTool corrections
2015-01-01 kawiReDirStatistic works
2015-01-01 hama+ test ReTraverser
2015-01-01 hamaRefactoring, valgrind clean, +ReDirTools
2014-12-30 kawiReTraverser implemented
2014-12-30 kawiReDirectory: linux code moved
2014-12-29 hamaRefactoring, ported to WIN32
2014-12-24 hamainitial state