Hamatoma [Sun, 30 Jan 2022 13:14:34 +0000 (14:14 +0100)]
Refactoring: removing warnings
* Refactoring:
** using const for constructors
** avoiding this for class members
** fix: avoiding "orElse: null"
** in constructor parameter list: using { ... this.attribute = default }
** avoiding "var variable;"
** preferring const instead of final
Hamatoma [Sun, 24 Oct 2021 17:36:48 +0000 (19:36 +0200)]
* Refactoring:
** usage of the dart feature "late": many "Type? x;" replaced by "late TYPE x;"
* module_meta_data:
** new module attribute needsSqlAll:
creates a "all" section of the module with no WHERE condition
** Fix in pageByName(): "nothing found" is handled now correctly
** Fix in primaryOf(): "nothing found" is handled now correctly
* rest_server:
** logging of the using configuration file
Hamatoma [Sat, 16 Oct 2021 20:55:15 +0000 (22:55 +0200)]
Benchmark: all data types, creation of records
* Generator:
** List display: Conversion from DB texts to human readable texts.
** Page list refactoring: fetching backend data with FutureBuilder()
** generated pages without "import not used" warning
** new display type: switchWidget for boolean
** page edit: conditional loadRecord() call
* RestServer:
** SQL statement from pages of type list do not have an ending ';'
* helper: new secondsAsTime()
* validators: new isInt() isNat()
* new: common/benchmark_actions + common/random_data
Hamatoma [Sat, 16 Oct 2021 18:17:00 +0000 (20:17 +0200)]
Module benchmarks to implement all widget types.
* helper:
* new: fromString()
* fully tested by unit tests
* Generator:
** implements now the data types bool, date, datetime, float, currency
** correction in generating xxx_data.dart
** sql-generation: the SQL statements remember the newlines inside ('|' instead of "")
Hamatoma [Fri, 8 Oct 2021 06:05:21 +0000 (08:05 +0200)]
Generator routes Structures
* new: application_name.dart
* Routes: uses module name instead of lowercase module name
* new: Structures
* new: AttendedStateful as base class for all meta data driven pages (StateFulWidget).
* new: Handling of multiple asynchronous db requests: DbDataState
* WidgetForm:
** new: flexibleGridAttended(),
** parameters changed: flexibleGrid(): works on a widget list (instead of an AttendedWidget list)
* new: Generator contains all meta data creation parts.
* new: i18n_text_parser parses Dart files for I18N texts.
* new: i18n allows multi language support.
* new: yaml_merger merges SQL statement definitions,
normally generated files and hand made files.
* rest_server: scripts for simple installing on the backend.