#include "gui/regui.hpp"
#include <QPaintEvent>
-QStringList ReEdit::m_tabStrings;
+QStringList ReParagraphs::m_tabStrings;
-QChar ReEdit::m_tabChar = QChar(0xBB);
-int ReEdit::m_tabWidth = 3;
+QChar ReParagraphs::m_tabChar = QChar(0xBB);
+int ReParagraphs::m_tabWidth = 3;
* Calculates the full line height (with gap between lines)
ReEdit::ReEdit(QWidget* parent) :
- m_paragraphs(),
- m_firstLine(0),
- m_firstCol(0),
- m_cursorLine(0),
- m_cursorCol(-1),
- m_cursorVisible(true),
- m_lines(NULL),
m_standardBrush(new QBrush(Qt::SolidPattern)),
m_scrollbarBrush(new QBrush(Qt::SolidPattern)),
- m_paragraphs.appendBuilder(new ReParagraphBuilder());
- m_paragraphs.appendBuilder(new ReCursortLineBuilder());
+ appendBuilder(new ReParagraphBuilder());
+ appendBuilder(new ReCursortLineBuilder());
void ReEdit::assignColorsStandard(){
- * Returns a look with the given specifications.
- *
- * @param foreground the symbolic name of the foreground
- * @param background the symbolic name of the background
- * @return
- */
-ReLook* ReEdit::lookOf(ReLook::ForeGround foreground,
- ReLook::BackGround background){
- int index = foreground * ReLook::BG_COUNT + background;
- ReLook* rc = m_looks[index];
- if (rc == NULL){
- rc = m_looks[index] = new ReLook();
- rc->m_edit = this;
- rc->m_foreground = foreground;
- rc->m_background = background;
- rc->m_brush = createBrush(background);
- if (foreground != ReLook::FG_CURRENT_LINE)
- rc->m_font = m_standardFont;
- else{
- rc->m_font = new QFont(*m_standardFont);
- rc->m_font->setBold(true);
- }
- rc->m_metrics = m_standardMetrics;
- rc->m_pen = new QPen(*m_standardPen);
- rc->m_pen->setColor(*m_fontColors[foreground]);
- }
- return rc;
- * Creates a brush with a given color.
- *
- * @param background the symbolic background color
- * @return an new created instance of a brush
- */
-QBrush* ReEdit::createBrush(ReLook::BackGround background){
- QBrush* rc = new QBrush();
- *rc = *m_standardBrush;
- rc->setColor(*m_brushColors[background]);
- return rc;
- * Draw the edit field.
- *
- * @param event the trigger event
- */
-void ReEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event){
- clock_t start = clock();
- QRect rect = event->rect();
- m_widthEdit = rect.width();
- m_heightEdit = rect.height();
- int lineHeight = heightToFullHeight(m_standardMetrics->height());
- int pageSize = (rect.height() - m_heightHScrollBar) / lineHeight;
- int firstLine = m_paragraphs.firstLine();
- m_paragraphs.load(firstLine, pageSize, this);
- QPainter painter(this);
- ReLook* look = lookOf(ReLook::FG_STANDARD, ReLook::BG_STANDARD);
- painter.setBrush(*look->m_brush);
- QRect editArea(rect.left() + m_widthLineNo, rect.top(),
- rect.right() - m_widthVScrollBar, rect.bottom() - m_heightHScrollBar);
- painter.drawRect(editArea);
- m_paragraphs.draw(painter, rect.top(), rect.left() + m_widthLineNo);
- int left = rect.left() + m_widthLineNo - 3;
- left = rect.left();
- int y = 0;
- int lineNo = firstLine + 1;
- ReLook* lookStd = lookOf(ReLook::FG_STANDARD, ReLook::BG_STANDARD);
- for (int ix = 0; ix < m_paragraphs.list().length(); ix++, lineNo++){
- QString number = QString::number(lineNo) + ":";
- ReLook* look =
- lineNo == m_cursorLine + 1 ?
- lookStd;
- int width = look->m_metrics->width(number);
- if (ix == 0)
- y = rect.top() + look->m_metrics->height()
- - look->m_metrics->descent();
- painter.setFont(*look->m_font);
- painter.setPen(*look->m_pen);
- painter.drawText(left + m_widthLineNo - width - 5, y, number);
- y += lineHeight;
- }
- // We paint the cursor:
- if (m_cursorVisible && m_cursorLine >= firstLine
- && m_cursorLine < firstLine + pageSize){
- int col = m_cursorCol;
- if (m_lines->lineAt(m_cursorLine).length() <= col)
- col = m_lines->lineAt(m_cursorLine).length() - 1;
- int x = rect.left() + m_widthLineNo + 1
- + (col + 1) * lookStd->m_metrics->width('x');
- int y = rect.top() + (m_cursorLine - firstLine) * lineHeight;
- painter.setPen(*look->m_pen);
- painter.drawLine(x, y, x, y + lineHeight);
- }
- int maxWidth = max(1, m_paragraphs.maxLineLength());
- int width = (rect.width() - m_widthLineNo - m_widthVScrollBar)
- / m_standardMetrics->width('x');
- int maxLines = max(1, m_lines->lineCount() - pageSize);
- drawScrollbars(painter, rect, double(pageSize) / maxLines,
- double(m_paragraphs.firstLine()) / maxLines, double(width) / maxWidth,
- 0.0);
- ReLogger::globalLogger()->logv(LOG_INFO, 3, "draw: %.4f",
- double(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
* Calculates the size/position of a slider from a relative value [0..1].
* @param size the size of the scrollbar (width/height for horiz/vert bar)
position = roundInt((size - length) * posFactor);
+ * Creates a brush with a given color.
+ *
+ * @param background the symbolic background color
+ * @return an new created instance of a brush
+ */
+QBrush* ReEdit::createBrush(ReLook::BackGround background){
+ QBrush* rc = new QBrush();
+ *rc = *m_standardBrush;
+ rc->setColor(*m_brushColors[background]);
+ return rc;
+ * Returns the line number of the cursor line.
+ *
+ * @return the line number [0..N-1]
+ */
+int ReEdit::cursorLine() const{
+ return m_cursorLine;
* Draws the scrollbars.
rect.bottom() - m_heightHScrollBar, sliderSize, m_heightHScrollBar);
- * Handles the event when a drag action is done
- * @param event
- */
-void ReEdit::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event){
- if (m_lastMousePosition.x() >= 0
- && (handleHScrollBar(event, true, this)
- || handleVScrollBar(event, true, this))){
- emit repaint();
- }
- * Handles the mouse click event.
+ * Does an editor action.
- * @param event the description of the mouse click
+ * @param action action to do
-void ReEdit::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event){
- if (handleVScrollBar(event, false, this)){
- }else if (handleHScrollBar(event, false, this)){
- }else{
- QPoint position = event->pos();
- m_cursorLine = position.y()
- / heightToFullHeight(m_standardMetrics->height())
- + m_paragraphs.firstLine();
- int x = position.x();
- int charWidth = m_standardMetrics->width('x');
- if (x >= m_widthLineNo && x < m_widthEdit - m_widthVScrollBar){
- if (x <= m_widthLineNo + charWidth / 2)
- m_cursorCol = -1;
- else
- m_cursorCol = (x - m_widthLineNo) / charWidth;
- }
+void ReEdit::editorAction(ReEdit::EditorAction action){
+ int pageSize = m_list.length() - 1;
+ switch (action) {
+ case EA_UNDEF:
+ break;
+ case EA_CHAR_LEFT:
+ if (m_cursorCol-- < -1)
+ m_cursorCol = -1;
+ ensureCursorVisible();
+ break;
+ if (++m_cursorCol >= m_lines->lineAt(m_cursorLine).length())
+ m_cursorCol = m_lines->lineAt(m_cursorLine).length() - 1;
+ ensureCursorVisible();
+ break;
+ case EA_LINE_UP:
+ if (--m_cursorLine < 0)
+ m_cursorLine = 0;
+ ensureCursorVisible();
+ break;
+ case EA_LINE_DOWN:
+ if (++m_cursorLine >= m_lines->lineCount())
+ m_cursorLine = m_lines->lineCount() - 1;
+ ensureCursorVisible();
+ break;
+ m_cursorCol = -1;
+ ensureCursorVisible();
+ break;
+ case EA_END_OF_LINE:
+ m_cursorCol = m_lines->lineAt(m_cursorLine).length() - 1;
+ ;
+ ensureCursorVisible();
+ break;
+ ensureCursorVisible(0);
+ break;
+ case EA_END_OF_FILE:
+ ensureCursorVisible(m_lines->lineCount() - 1);
+ break;
+ case EA_PAGE_UP:
+ // Do not change cursor line!
+ reposition(m_firstLine - pageSize);
+ break;
+ case EA_PAGE_DOWN:
+ // Do not change cursor line!
+ reposition(m_firstLine + pageSize);
+ break;
+ case EA_DEL_CHAR:
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ case EA_DEL_LINE:
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
- m_lastMousePosition = event->pos();
- m_lastTopVSlider = m_vSlider->top();
- m_lastLeftHSlider = m_hSlider->left();
emit repaint();
- * Handles the mouse click event.
- *
- * @param event the description of the mouse click
- */
-void ReEdit::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event){
- m_lastMousePosition.setX(-1);
- * Calculates the index of the line string from the cursor column.
- *
- * The index may be smaller because of expanded tabulators.
- * Example:
- * <pre>"x\ty", tabulator width: 3, screen display: "x y"
- * columnToTextIndex(0) == 0; ('x')
- * columnToTextIndex(1) == 1; ('\t')
- * columnToTextIndex(2) == 1; ('\t')
- * columnToTextIndex(3) == 2; ('y')
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param cursorCol the cursor position
- * @return the
- */
-int ReEdit::columnToTextIndex(int cursorCol){
- //@ToDo: tab handling
- return cursorCol;
- * Calculates the cursor column from the line string index.
+ * Ensures that the cursor line is visible.
- * The index may be larger because of expanded tabulators.
- * Example:
- * <pre>"x\ty", tabulator width: 3, screen display: "x y"
- * textIndexToColumn(0) == 0;
- * textIndexToColumn(1) == 1;
- * textIndexToColumn(2) == 3;
- * </pre>
- * @param index the index in the line string
- * @return the column in the edit field
+ * @param cursorLine -1 or number of the new cursor line
-int ReEdit::textIndexToColumn(int index){
- //@ToDo: tab handling
- return index;
+void ReEdit::ensureCursorVisible(int cursorLine){
+ if (cursorLine >= 0)
+ m_cursorLine = cursorLine;
+ if (m_cursorLine < m_firstLine || m_cursorLine >= m_firstLine + pageSize()){
+ reposition(m_cursorLine);
+ }
emit repaint();
- * Calculates the tabulator expanding strings.
+ * Returns the text source of the instance.
- * Example (tab width = 3):
- * <pre>
- * "\tz" -> ' z' -> '\t' + ' '
- * "x\tz" -> 'x z' -> '\t' + ' '
- * "xy\tz" -> 'xy z' -> '\t'
- * </pre>
- * @param tabWidth
+ * @return the text source
-void ReEdit::setTabStrings(int tabWidth){
- m_tabWidth = tabWidth;
- m_tabStrings.clear();
- QString blanks;
- blanks.fill(' ', tabWidth);
- for (int ix = 0; ix < tabWidth - 1; ix++){
- m_tabStrings.append(m_tabChar + blanks.mid(0, tabWidth - 1 - ix));
+ReLines& ReEdit::lines(){
+ if (m_lines == NULL)
+ m_lines = new ReLines();
+ return *m_lines;
+ * Returns a look with the given specifications.
+ *
+ * @param foreground the symbolic name of the foreground
+ * @param background the symbolic name of the background
+ * @return
+ */
+ReLook* ReEdit::lookOf(ReLook::ForeGround foreground,
+ ReLook::BackGround background){
+ int index = foreground * ReLook::BG_COUNT + background;
+ ReLook* rc = m_looks[index];
+ if (rc == NULL){
+ rc = m_looks[index] = new ReLook();
+ rc->m_edit = this;
+ rc->m_foreground = foreground;
+ rc->m_background = background;
+ rc->m_brush = createBrush(background);
+ if (foreground != ReLook::FG_CURRENT_LINE)
+ rc->m_font = m_standardFont;
+ else{
+ rc->m_font = new QFont(*m_standardFont);
+ rc->m_font->setBold(true);
+ }
+ rc->m_metrics = m_standardMetrics;
+ rc->m_pen = new QPen(*m_standardPen);
+ rc->m_pen->setColor(*m_fontColors[foreground]);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ * Handles the event when a drag action is done
+ * @param event
+ */
+void ReEdit::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event){
+ if (m_lastMousePosition.x() >= 0
+ && (handleHScrollBar(event, true, this)
+ || handleVScrollBar(event, true, this))){
+ emit repaint();
+ }
+ * Handles the mouse click event.
+ *
+ * @param event the description of the mouse click
+ */
+void ReEdit::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event){
+ if (handleVScrollBar(event, false, this)){
+ }else if (handleHScrollBar(event, false, this)){
+ }else{
+ QPoint position = event->pos();
+ m_cursorLine = position.y()
+ / heightToFullHeight(m_standardMetrics->height()) + m_firstLine;
+ int x = position.x();
+ int charWidth = m_standardMetrics->width('x');
+ if (x >= m_widthLineNo && x < m_widthEdit - m_widthVScrollBar){
+ if (x <= m_widthLineNo + charWidth / 2)
+ m_cursorCol = -1;
+ else
+ m_cursorCol = (x - m_widthLineNo) / charWidth;
+ }
+ m_lastMousePosition = event->pos();
+ m_lastTopVSlider = m_vSlider->top();
+ m_lastLeftHSlider = m_hSlider->left();
+ emit repaint();
- * Returns the line number of the cursor line.
+ * Handles the mouse click event.
- * @return the line number [0..N-1]
+ * @param event the description of the mouse click
-int ReEdit::cursorLine() const{
- return m_cursorLine;
+void ReEdit::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event){
+ m_lastMousePosition.setX(-1);
- * Ensures that the cursor line is visible.
+ * Draw the edit field.
- * @param cursorLine -1 or number of the new cursor line
+ * @param event the trigger event
-void ReEdit::ensureCursorVisible(int cursorLine){
- if (cursorLine >= 0)
- m_cursorLine = cursorLine;
- int firstLine = m_paragraphs.firstLine();
- if (m_cursorLine < firstLine || m_cursorLine >= firstLine + pageSize()){
- reposition(m_cursorLine);
+void ReEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event){
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ QRect rect = event->rect();
+ m_widthEdit = rect.width();
+ m_heightEdit = rect.height();
+ int lineHeight = heightToFullHeight(m_standardMetrics->height());
+ int pageSize = (rect.height() - m_heightHScrollBar) / lineHeight;
+ int firstLine = m_firstLine;
+ load(firstLine, pageSize, this);
+ QPainter painter(this);
+ ReLook* look = lookOf(ReLook::FG_STANDARD, ReLook::BG_STANDARD);
+ painter.setBrush(*look->m_brush);
+ QRect editArea(rect.left() + m_widthLineNo, rect.top(),
+ rect.right() - m_widthVScrollBar, rect.bottom() - m_heightHScrollBar);
+ painter.drawRect(editArea);
+ draw(painter, rect.top(), rect.left() + m_widthLineNo);
+ int left = rect.left() + m_widthLineNo - 3;
+ left = rect.left();
+ int y = 0;
+ int lineNo = firstLine + 1;
+ ReLook* lookStd = lookOf(ReLook::FG_STANDARD, ReLook::BG_STANDARD);
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < m_list.length(); ix++, lineNo++){
+ QString number = QString::number(lineNo) + ":";
+ ReLook* look =
+ lineNo == m_cursorLine + 1 ?
+ lookStd;
+ int width = look->m_metrics->width(number);
+ if (ix == 0)
+ y = rect.top() + look->m_metrics->height()
+ - look->m_metrics->descent();
+ painter.setFont(*look->m_font);
+ painter.setPen(*look->m_pen);
+ painter.drawText(left + m_widthLineNo - width - 5, y, number);
+ y += lineHeight;
- * Does an editor action.
- *
- * @param action action to do
- */
-void ReEdit::editorAction(ReEdit::EditorAction action){
- int pageSize = m_paragraphs.list().length() - 1;
- switch (action) {
- case EA_UNDEF:
- break;
- case EA_CHAR_LEFT:
- if (m_cursorCol-- < -1)
- m_cursorCol = -1;
- ensureCursorVisible();
- break;
- if (++m_cursorCol >= m_lines->lineAt(m_cursorLine).length())
- m_cursorCol = m_lines->lineAt(m_cursorLine).length() - 1;
- ensureCursorVisible();
- break;
- case EA_LINE_UP:
- if (--m_cursorLine < 0)
- m_cursorLine = 0;
- ensureCursorVisible();
- break;
- case EA_LINE_DOWN:
- if (++m_cursorLine >= m_lines->lineCount())
- m_cursorLine = m_lines->lineCount() - 1;
- ensureCursorVisible();
- break;
- m_cursorCol = -1;
- ensureCursorVisible();
- break;
- case EA_END_OF_LINE:
- m_cursorCol = m_lines->lineAt(m_cursorLine).length() - 1;
- ;
- ensureCursorVisible();
- break;
- ensureCursorVisible(0);
- break;
- case EA_END_OF_FILE:
- ensureCursorVisible(m_lines->lineCount() - 1);
- break;
- case EA_PAGE_UP:
- // Do not change cursor line!
- reposition(m_paragraphs.firstLine() - pageSize);
- break;
- case EA_PAGE_DOWN:
- // Do not change cursor line!
- reposition(m_paragraphs.firstLine() + pageSize);
- break;
- case EA_DEL_CHAR:
- break;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- case EA_DEL_LINE:
- break;
- default:
- break;
+ // We paint the cursor:
+ if (m_cursorVisible && m_cursorLine >= firstLine
+ && m_cursorLine < firstLine + pageSize){
+ int col = m_cursorCol;
+ if (m_lines->lineAt(m_cursorLine).length() <= col)
+ col = m_lines->lineAt(m_cursorLine).length() - 1;
+ int x = rect.left() + m_widthLineNo + 1
+ + (col + 1) * lookStd->m_metrics->width('x');
+ int y = rect.top() + (m_cursorLine - firstLine) * lineHeight;
+ painter.setPen(*look->m_pen);
+ painter.drawLine(x, y, x, y + lineHeight);
- emit repaint();
+ int maxWidth = max(1, m_maxLineLength);
+ int width = (rect.width() - m_widthLineNo - m_widthVScrollBar)
+ / m_standardMetrics->width('x');
+ int maxLines = max(1, m_lines->lineCount() - pageSize);
+ drawScrollbars(painter, rect, double(pageSize) / maxLines,
+ double(m_firstLine) / maxLines, double(width) / maxWidth,
+ 0.0);
+ ReLogger::globalLogger()->logv(LOG_INFO, 3, "draw: %.4f",
+ double(clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
* @param firstLine number of the line which should be visible
void ReEdit::reposition(int firstLine){
- int pageSize = m_paragraphs.list().length();
+ int pageSize = m_list.length();
if (firstLine <= 0)
firstLine = 0;
else if (firstLine >= m_lines->lineCount() - pageSize)
firstLine = m_lines->lineCount() - pageSize + 1;
// We do not load because each redraw loads it:
- m_paragraphs.setFirstLine(firstLine);
+ m_firstLine = firstLine;
- * Returns the text source of the instance.
- *
- * @return the text source
- */
-ReLines& ReEdit::lines(){
- if (m_lines == NULL)
- setLines(new ReLines());
- return *m_lines;
- * Sets the text source of the instance.
+ * Calculates the tabulator expanding strings.
- * @param lines the new text source
+ * Example (tab width = 3):
+ * <pre>
+ * "\tz" -> ' z' -> '\t' + ' '
+ * "x\tz" -> 'x z' -> '\t' + ' '
+ * "xy\tz" -> 'xy z' -> '\t'
+ * </pre>
+ * @param tabWidth
-void ReEdit::setLines(ReLines* lines){
- m_lines = lines;
- m_paragraphs.setLines(lines);
- int count = height();
- count = count / heightToFullHeight(m_standardMetrics->height());
- m_paragraphs.load(m_cursorLine, count, this);
- emit repaint();
+void ReEdit::setTabStrings(int tabWidth){
+ m_tabWidth = tabWidth;
+ m_tabStrings.clear();
+ QString blanks;
+ blanks.fill(' ', tabWidth);
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < tabWidth - 1; ix++){
+ m_tabStrings.append(m_tabChar + blanks.mid(0, tabWidth - 1 - ix));
+ }
ReParagraphs::ReParagraphs() :
+ m_firstCol(0),
+ m_cursorLine(0),
+ m_cursorCol(-1),
- m_maxLineLength(0){
+ m_maxLineLength(0),
+ m_cursorVisible(true) {
+ * Returns the cursor line.
+ *
+ * @return the cursor line
+ */
+ReParagraph* ReParagraphs::cursorLine(){
+ ReParagraph* rc = NULL;
+ if (m_cursorLine >= m_firstLine && m_cursorLine < m_firstLine + m_list.length()){
+ rc = m_list.at(m_cursorLine - m_firstLine);
+ }
+ return rc;
+ * Calculates the index of the line string from the cursor column.
+ *
+ * The index may be smaller because of expanded tabulators.
+ * Example:
+ * <pre>"x\ty", tabulator width: 3, screen display: "x y"
+ * columnToTextIndex(0) == 0; ('x')
+ * columnToTextIndex(1) == 1; ('\t')
+ * columnToTextIndex(2) == 1; ('\t')
+ * columnToTextIndex(3) == 2; ('y')
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @param cursorCol the cursor position
+ * @return the
+ */
+int ReParagraphs::columnToTextIndex(int cursorCol){
+ ReParagraph* current = cursorLine();
+ int rc = 0;
+ if (current == NULL)
+ rc = cursorCol;
+ else {
+ // tab gaps (spaces between tab and tab position)
+ int gaps = 0;
+ // sum of columns
+ int cursor = 0;
+ for (int ix = 0; cursor < cursorCol && ix < current->length(); ix++){
+ ReEditText* text = current->at(ix);
+ int len = text->text().length();
+ if (len > 0 && text->text().at(0) == m_tabChar){
+ gaps = len - 1;
+ rc += 1;
+ cursor += len;
+ if (cursor >= cursorCol)
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (cursor + len <= cursorCol)
+ rc += len;
+ else {
+ rc += cursorCol - cursor;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
* Renders the texts of the paragraph list.
+ * Sets the text source of the instance.
+ *
+ * @param lines the new text source
+ */
+void ReParagraphs::setLines(ReLines* lines){
+ m_lines = lines;
+ * Calculates the cursor column from the line string index.
+ *
+ * The index may be larger because of expanded tabulators.
+ * Example:
+ * <pre>"x\ty", tabulator width: 3, screen display: "x y"
+ * textIndexToColumn(0) == 0;
+ * textIndexToColumn(1) == 1;
+ * textIndexToColumn(2) == 3;
+ * </pre>
+ * @param index the index in the line string
+ * @return the column in the edit field
+ */
+int ReParagraphs::textIndexToColumn(int index){
+ ReParagraph* current = cursorLine();
+ int rc = 0;
+ if (current == NULL)
+ rc = index;
+ else {
+ int cursor;
+ for (int ix = 0; cursor < index && ix < current->length(); ix++){
+ ReEditText* text = current->at(ix);
+ int len = text->text().length();
+ if (len > 0 && text->text().at(0) == m_tabChar){
+ rc += len;
+ cursor += 1;
+ if (cursor >= index)
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (cursor + len < index){
+ cursor += len;
+ rc += len;
+ } else {
+ rc += index - cursor;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
* Changes the look of a paragraph.
- * Does some things if the mouse position is inside the vertical scrollbar.
+ * Does some things if the mouse position is inside the horizontal scrollbar.
- * @param event the mouse click event
+ * @param event the mouse click event
* @param isDragged <code>true</code>: called from <code>mouseMoveEvent</code>
- * @param edit the edit field
- * @return <code>true</code>: the mouse click is inside the vertical sb
+ * @param edit the edit field
+ * @return <code>true</code>: the mouse click is inside the horizontal sb
-bool ReMouseCatcher::handleVScrollBar(QMouseEvent* event, bool isDragged,
+bool ReMouseCatcher::handleHScrollBar(QMouseEvent* event, bool isDragged,
ReEdit* edit){
QPoint pos = event->pos();
- bool rc = rectContains(*m_vScrollBar, pos, "vScrollBar")
- || (isDragged && m_vScrollBar->contains(m_lastMousePosition));
+ bool rc = rectContains(*m_hScrollBar, pos, "hScrollBar");
if (rc){
- int distance = pos.y() - m_lastMousePosition.y();
- int sliderPos = m_lastTopVSlider + distance;
- double position = double(sliderPos)
- / (m_vScrollBar->height() - m_vSlider->height());
- int line = roundInt(
- (edit->lines().lineCount() - edit->pageSize())
- * max(0.0, min(position, 1.0)));
- edit->reposition(line);
return rc;
- * Does some things if the mouse position is inside the horizontal scrollbar.
+ * Does some things if the mouse position is inside the vertical scrollbar.
- * @param event the mouse click event
+ * @param event the mouse click event
* @param isDragged <code>true</code>: called from <code>mouseMoveEvent</code>
- * @param edit the edit field
- * @return <code>true</code>: the mouse click is inside the horizontal sb
+ * @param edit the edit field
+ * @return <code>true</code>: the mouse click is inside the vertical sb
-bool ReMouseCatcher::handleHScrollBar(QMouseEvent* event, bool isDragged,
+bool ReMouseCatcher::handleVScrollBar(QMouseEvent* event, bool isDragged,
ReEdit* edit){
QPoint pos = event->pos();
- bool rc = rectContains(*m_hScrollBar, pos, "hScrollBar");
+ bool rc = rectContains(*m_vScrollBar, pos, "vScrollBar")
+ || (isDragged && m_vScrollBar->contains(m_lastMousePosition));
if (rc){
+ if (isDragged){
+ int distance = pos.y() - m_lastMousePosition.y();
+ int sliderPos = m_lastTopVSlider + distance;
+ double position = double(sliderPos)
+ / (m_vScrollBar->height() - m_vSlider->height());
+ int line = roundInt(
+ (edit->lines().lineCount() - edit->pageSize())
+ * max(0.0, min(position, 1.0)));
+ edit->reposition(line);
+ } else {
+ if (pos.y() < m_vSlider->top())
+ edit->editorAction(ReEdit::EA_PAGE_UP);
+ else if (pos.y() > m_vSlider->bottom())
+ edit->editorAction(ReEdit::EA_PAGE_DOWN);
+ }
return rc;