--- /dev/null
+ * ReProgramArgs.cpp
+ *
+ * License: Public Domain
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * Do what you want.
+ * No warranties and disclaimer of any damages.
+ * You also can use this license: http://www.wtfpl.net
+ * The latest sources: https://github.com/republib
+ */
+#include "base/rebase.hpp"
+const char* ReProgramArgs::PREFIX_LINE_OPTION = " ";
+/** @brief Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param caller the object which throw the exception.
+ * @param message the error message with placeholders like sprintf()
+ * @param ...
+ */
+ReOptionException::ReOptionException(ReProgramArgs* caller, const char* format,
+ ...) :
+ ReException() {
+ char buffer[64*1024];
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ qvsnprintf(buffer, sizeof buffer, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ m_message = buffer;
+ if (caller != NULL)
+ caller->setLastError(m_message);
+/** @brief Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param caller the object which throw the exception
+ * @param message the error message
+ReOptionException::ReOptionException(ReProgramArgs* caller, const QString& message) :
+ ReException()
+ m_message = message.toUtf8();
+ if (caller != NULL)
+ caller->setLastError(m_message);
+/** @brief Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param usage a string array with the description of the usage.
+ * Every string will be issued in a separate line
+ * @param examples a string with one ore more calling examples.
+ * Every string will be issued in a separate line
+ */
+ReProgramArgs::ReProgramArgs(const char* usageList[], const char* examples[]) :
+ m_usage(),
+ m_examples(),
+ m_options(),
+ m_args(NULL),
+ m_argCount(0),
+ m_program(NULL),
+ m_lastError(ReStringUtils::m_empty) {
+ QByteArray line;
+ for (const char** argv = usageList; *argv != NULL; argv++) {
+ line = *argv;
+ ReStringUtils::chomp(line);
+ m_usage.append(line.constData());
+ }
+ if (examples != NULL) {
+ for (const char** argv = examples; *argv != NULL; argv++) {
+ if (strncmp(*argv, "$0", 2) != 0)
+ m_examples.append(*argv);
+ else {
+ QByteArray line;
+ line.append(m_program, -1);
+ m_examples.append(line.constData() + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** @brief Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param usage a string with the description of the usage
+ * It may contain <code>'\\n'</code> for separate lines
+ * @param examples a string with one ore more calling examples.
+ * It may contain <code>'\\n'</code> for separate lines
+ */
+ReProgramArgs::ReProgramArgs(const char* usageString, const char* examples) :
+ m_usage(),
+ m_examples(),
+ m_options(),
+ m_args(NULL),
+ m_argCount(0),
+ m_program("?"),
+ m_lastError() {
+ m_usage = QByteArray(usageString).split('\n');
+ if (examples != NULL) {
+ if (strstr(examples, "$0") == NULL)
+ m_examples = QByteArray(examples).split('\n');
+ else {
+ QByteArray line;
+ line = examples;
+ line.replace("$0", m_program);
+ m_examples = line.split('\n');
+ }
+ }
+/** @brief Destructor.
+ */
+ReProgramArgs::~ReProgramArgs() {
+ * Sets the usage message.
+ *
+ * @param usage a vector of lines without '\n'
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::setUsage(const char* usage[]) {
+ m_usage.clear();
+ for (int ix = 0; usage[ix] != NULL; ix++)
+ m_usage.append(usage[ix]);
+/** @brief Puts the property infos into the property string.
+ *
+ * The <strong>property string</strong> is a string stored in the hashlist.
+ * It contains all infos about the option but the current value.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the option. Used in the methods <code>getInt()</code>, ...
+ * @param description a short description of the option. Used in the user messages
+ * @param shortOpt the one character option identifier. Used in the arguments. Must be preceded by '-'
+ * @param longOpt the multi character option identifier. Used in the arguments. Must be preceded by '--'
+ * @param dataType the data type of the option: DT_INT, DT_BOOL ...
+ * @param defaultValue the default value of the option
+ * @param lengthValue the length of <code>defaultValue</code>
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::addProperties(const char*name, const char* description,
+ char shortOpt, const char* longOpt, DataType dataType,
+ const char* defaultValue, size_t lengthValue) {
+ ReProgOptionMap::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = m_options.cbegin(); it != m_options.cend(); ++it){
+ if (name == it.key()){
+ throw ReOptionException(this, QObject::tr("name defined twice: %1").arg(name));
+ } else {
+ ReProgOption* opt = it.value();
+ if (shortOpt == opt->m_shortName)
+ throw ReOptionException(this, QObject::tr("short option defined twice: %1").arg(shortOpt));
+ else if (opt->m_longName == longOpt)
+ throw ReOptionException(this, QObject::tr("long option defined twice: %1").arg(longOpt));
+ }
+ }
+ ReProgOption* opt = new ReProgOption;
+ opt->m_name = name;
+ opt->m_longName = longOpt;
+ opt->m_defaultValue = defaultValue;
+ opt->m_shortName = shortOpt;
+ opt->m_type = dataType;
+ // Mark current value as default:
+ opt->m_value = QByteArray("!") + defaultValue;
+/** @brief Adds an option with a boolean value.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the option. Used in the methods <code>getBool()</code>
+ * @param description a short description of the option. Used in the user messages
+ * @param shortOpt the one character option identifier. Used in the arguments. Must be preceded by '-'
+ * @param longOpt the multi character option identifier. Used in the arguments. Must be preceded by '--'
+ * @param defaultValue the default value of the option.
+ *
+ * @see getBool()
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::addBool(const char* name, const char* description,
+ char shortOpt, const char* longOpt, bool defaultVal) {
+ addProperties(name, description, shortOpt, longOpt, DT_BOOL,
+ defaultVal ? "t" : "f", 1);
+/** @brief Adds an option with an integer value.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the option. Used in the methods <code>getInt()</code>
+ * @param description a short description of the option. Used in the user messages
+ * @param shortOpt the one character option identifier. Used in the arguments. Must be preceded by '-'
+ * @param longOpt the multi character option identifier. Used in the arguments. Must be preceded by '--'
+ * @param defaultValue the default value of the option
+ *
+ * * @see getInt()
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::addInt(const char* name, const char* description,
+ char shortOpt, const char* longOpt, int defaultVal) {
+ QByteArray number = QByteArray::number(defaultVal);
+ addProperties(name, description, shortOpt, longOpt, DT_INT, number.constData(),
+ number.length());
+/** @brief Adds an option with a string value.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the option. Used in the methods <code>getString()</code>
+ * @param description A short description of the option. Used in the user messages
+ * @param shortOpt the one character option identifier. Used in the arguments. Must be preceded by '-'
+ * @param longOpt the multi character option identifier. Used in the arguments. Must be preceded by '--'
+ * @param defaultValue the default value of the option
+ *
+ * @see getString()
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::addString(const char* name, const char* description,
+ char shortOpt, const char* longOpt, bool mayBeEmpty,
+ const char* defaultVal) {
+ addProperties(name, description, shortOpt, longOpt,
+ mayBeEmpty ? DT_STRING_EMPTY : DT_STRING, defaultVal,
+ defaultVal == NULL ? 0 : strlen(defaultVal));
+/** @brief Analyses a long name option.
+ *
+ * The syntax of an long name option is --name or --name=value
+ *
+ * @param opt the option string without --
+ *
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::analyseLong(const char* opt) {
+ QByteArray name;
+ const char* value = strchr(opt, '=');
+ if (value == NULL)
+ name = opt;
+ else {
+ name = QByteArray(opt).mid(0, value - opt);
+ value++;
+ }
+ ReProgOption* option = m_options[name];
+ switch (option->m_type) {
+ case DT_INT:
+ if (value == NULL)
+ throw ReOptionException(this,
+ QObject::tr("Option %1: parameter expected. Use --%1=number").arg(name.constData()));
+ else
+ option->m_value = value;
+ break;
+ case DT_STRING:
+ if (value == NULL)
+ throw ReOptionException(this,
+ QObject::tr("Option %1: parameter expected. Use --%1=string").arg(name.constData()));
+ option->m_value = value;
+ break;
+ if (value == NULL)
+ value = "";
+ option->m_value = value;
+ break;
+ case DT_BOOL: {
+ const char* boolValue = "f";
+ if (value == NULL
+ || ReStringUtils::isInList(value, ";y;yes;t;true", true,
+ ReStringUtils::AUTO_SEPARATOR))
+ boolValue = "t";
+ else if (!ReStringUtils::isInList(value, ";n;no;f;false",
+ true, ReStringUtils::AUTO_SEPARATOR))
+ throw ReOptionException(this,
+ QObject::tr("Option %1: Not a boolean value: %2. Use true or false")
+ .arg(name.constData()).arg(value));
+ // Invert the default value:
+ if (option->m_defaultValue == "t")
+ boolValue = boolValue[0] == 't' ? "f" : "t";
+ option->m_value = boolValue;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+/** @brief Analyses one or more short name options.
+ *
+ * Multiple short name options can be written in one word:
+ * <p>Example: -x -y -z can be noted as -xyz</p>
+ * <p>On the other side an option with parameter can be written in two forms:</p>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>-xABC</li>
+ * <li>-x ABC</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @param opt an option string
+ * @param nextArg the next argument behind the current option string.
+ * May be NULL (no more arguments)
+ *
+ * @return true a second word has been used: It was a parameter of an string or integer option.<br>
+ * false: The next argument has not been used
+ */
+bool ReProgramArgs::analyseShort(const char* opt, const char* nextArg) {
+ bool rc = false;
+ QByteArrayList properties;
+ bool again;
+ do {
+ again = false;
+ ReProgOption* option = search(opt[0], NULL);
+ // Forget the option short name:
+ opt++;
+ switch (option->m_type) {
+ case DT_INT:
+ case DT_STRING:
+ if (opt[0] != '\0') {
+ setValue(opt->m_name, opt, option->m_type);
+ } else {
+ if (nextArg == NULL || nextArg[0] == '-') {
+ if (dataType[0] == DT_STRING_EMPTY)
+ setValue(nameStr, "", dataType);
+ else
+ throw ReOptionException(this,
+ i18n(
+ "Option $1 has type $2! There is no parameter."),
+ nameStr, dataType);
+ } else {
+ setValue(nameStr, nextArg, dataType);
+ rc = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case DT_BOOL: {
+ // Get the current value:
+ const char* value = "t";
+ if (opt[0] == '-') {
+ opt++;
+ value = "f";
+ } else if (opt[0] == '+')
+ opt++;
+ // Invert the default value:
+ if (properties.strOf(IxDefault)[0] == 't')
+ value = value[0] == 't' ? "f" : "t";
+ setValue(nameStr, value, dataType);
+ again = opt[0] != '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (again);
+ return rc;
+/** @brief Returns a not option argument given by an index.
+ *
+ * @param index the index of the wanted program argument which is not an option.
+ *
+ * @return NULL: wrong index<br>
+ * otherwise: the wanted argument.
+ */
+const char* ReProgramArgs::arg(size_t index) const {
+ const char* rc = NULL;
+ if (index < (size_t) m_argCount)
+ rc = m_args[index];
+ return rc;
+/** @brief Returns the count of arguments (without options).
+ *
+ * @return the count of arguments
+ */
+int ReProgramArgs::argCount() const {
+ return m_argCount;
+/** @brief Returns the value of a boolean option.
+ *
+ * @param name Name of the option.
+ *
+ * @return The value of the option set in the programs arguments or the default value.
+ *
+ * @throws ReOptionException Unknown name or wrong type.
+ */
+bool ReProgramArgs::getBool(const char* name) {
+ ReProgOption* option = m_options.value(name, NULL);
+ if (option == NULL)
+ throw ReOptionException(this, QObject::tr("%1 is not an option name").arg(name));
+ if (option->m_type != DT_BOOL)
+ throw ReOptionException(this,
+ QObject::tr("%1 is not an boolean option. Type is %2").arg(name)
+ .arg(option->m_type));
+ bool rc = option->m_value.at(1) == 't';
+ return rc;
+/** @brief Returns the value of an integer option.
+ *
+ * @param name Name of the option.
+ *
+ * @return The value of the option set in the programs arguments or the default value.
+ *
+ * @throws ReOptionException Unknown name or wrong type.
+ */
+int ReProgramArgs::getInt(const char* name) {
+ ReProgOption* option = m_options.value(name, NULL);
+ if (option == NULL)
+ throw ReOptionException(this, QObject::tr("%1 is not an option name").arg(name));
+ if (option->m_type != DT_BOOL)
+ throw ReOptionException(this,
+ QObject::tr("%1 is not an integer option. Type is %2").arg(name)
+ .arg(option->m_type));
+ // Note: first char is a tag: '!': default
+ int rc = atoi(option->m_value.constData() + 1);
+ return rc;
+/** @brief Returns the value of a string option.
+ *
+ * @param name Name of the option.
+ *
+ * @return The value of the option set in the programs arguments or the default value.
+ *
+ * @throws ReOptionException Unknown name or wrong type.
+ */
+const char* ReProgramArgs::getString(const char* name, QByteArray& buffer) {
+ ReProgOption* option = m_options.value(name, NULL);
+ if (option == NULL)
+ throw ReOptionException(this, QObject::tr("%1 is not an option name").arg(name));
+ if (option->m_type != DT_STRING && option->m_type != DT_STRING_EMPTY)
+ throw ReOptionException(this,
+ QObject::tr("%1 is not an string option. Type is %2").arg(name)
+ .arg(option->m_type));
+ // Note: first char is a tag: '!': default
+ buffer = option->m_value.mid(1);
+ return buffer.constData();
+ * Issues a help message.
+ *
+ * @param message message to show
+ * @param issueLastError <code>true</code>: the last OS error will be shown
+ * @param lines OUT: a stringlist for the help message
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::help(const char* message, bool issueLastError,
+ ReStringList& lines) const {
+ lines.append(m_usage);
+ lines.append("");
+ ReArrayPosition position;
+ if (m_properties.next(position, NULL, NULL)) {
+ lines.append(i18n("<options>:"));
+ }
+ QByteArray name;
+ QByteArray prop;
+ QByteArray line;
+ QByteArray param;
+ while (m_properties.next(position, &name, &prop)) {
+ ReStringList properties(512, 1024, 2, 2);
+ properties.split(prop.constData(), '\1');
+ line.setLength(0);
+ DataType dataType = DataType(properties.strOf(IxType)[0]);
+ const char* shortName = properties.strOf(IxShort);
+ param.setLength(0);
+ switch (dataType) {
+ case DT_INT:
+ param.append(i18n("<number>"), -1);
+ break;
+ case DT_STRING:
+ param.append(i18n("<not empty string>"), -1);
+ break;
+ param.append(i18n("[<string>]"), -1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (shortName[0] != HIDDEN_SHORT_NAME) {
+ line.append("-", 1).append(shortName, 1);
+ line.append(param.constData(), -1).appendChar(' ').append(i18n(" or "),
+ -1);
+ }
+ line.append(i18n("--"), -1).append(properties.strOf(IxLong), -1);
+ if (param.length() > 0) {
+ line.append("=", -1).append(param.constData(), -1);
+ if (dataType != DT_STRING
+ || properties.strLengthOf(IxDefault) > 0) {
+ line.append(i18n(" Default value: "), -1);
+ if (dataType == DT_STRING)
+ line.appendChar('\'');
+ line.append(properties.strOf(IxDefault), -1);
+ if (dataType == DT_STRING)
+ line.appendChar('\'');
+ }
+ }
+ lines.append(line.constData());
+ line.set(PREFIX_LINE_OPTION, -1).append(properties.strOf(IxDescr), -1);
+ lines.append(line.constData());
+ }
+ if (m_examples.count() > 0) {
+ lines.append(i18n("Example(s):"));
+ lines.append(m_examples);
+ }
+ if (issueLastError && m_lastError.length() > 0) {
+ line.set("+++ ", 4).append(m_lastError.constData(), -1);
+ lines.append(line.constData());
+ }
+ if (message != NULL && message[0] != '\0') {
+ line.set("+++ ", 4).append(message, -1);
+ lines.append(line.constData());
+ }
+ * Issues a help message.
+ *
+ * @param message message to show
+ * @param issueLastError <code>true</code>: the last OS error will be shown
+ * @param stream OUT: output stream, e.g. stderr
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::help(const char* message, bool issueLastError,
+ FILE* stream) const {
+ ReStringList lines(512, 1024, 8, 2);
+ help(message, issueLastError, lines);
+ for (size_t ii = 0; ii < lines.count(); ii++) {
+ fputs(lines.strOf(ii), stream);
+ fputc('\n', stream);
+ }
+/** @brief Initializes the options from the program arguments.
+ *
+ * While arguments are preceded by an '-' they will be treated as options.
+ * The rest of arguments are stored for retrieving with <code>getArg()</code>.
+ *
+ * @param argc The count of program arguments (inclusive options).
+ * @param argv The argument vector.
+ *
+ * @throws ReException
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::init(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
+ m_program = argv[0];
+ argv++;
+ argc--;
+ while (argc > 0 && argv[0][0] == '-') {
+ if (argv[0][1] == '-')
+ analyseLong(argv[0] + 2);
+ else {
+ if (analyseShort(argv[0] + 1, argc <= 1 ? NULL : argv[1]))
+ argc--, argv++;
+ }
+ argc--;
+ argv++;
+ }
+ m_argCount = argc;
+ m_args = (const char**) argv;
+/** @brief Returns the program name.
+ *
+ * @return The name of the application.
+ */
+const char* ReProgramArgs::programName() const {
+ return m_program;
+/** @brief Search the property string of an option.
+ *
+ * @param shortName The option`s short name. Not relevant if <code>longName != NULL</code>.
+ * @param LongName The option`s long name. Not relevant if <code>longName == NULL</code>.
+ * @param name Out: The name of the option.
+ * @param list Out: The properties are returned in this list.
+ *
+ * @throws ReOptionException Unknown option.
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::search(char shortName, const char* longName,
+ QByteArray& name, ReStringList& list) {
+ ReArrayPosition position;
+ QByteArray properties;
+ bool found = false;
+ size_t lengthLongName = 0;
+ if (longName != NULL) {
+ const char* ptr;
+ if ((ptr = strchr(longName, '=')) != NULL)
+ lengthLongName = ptr - longName;
+ else
+ lengthLongName = strlen(longName);
+ }
+ while (!found && m_properties.next(position, &name, &properties)) {
+ list.split(properties.constData(), '\1');
+ if (longName == NULL && list.count() > IxShort
+ && shortName == list.strOf(IxShort)[0])
+ found = true;
+ else if (lengthLongName > 0 && list.count() > IxLong
+ && list.sizeOf(IxLong) == lengthLongName + 1
+ && strncmp(longName, list.strOf(IxLong), lengthLongName) == 0)
+ found = true;
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ if (longName == NULL)
+ name.set(&shortName, 1);
+ else
+ name.set(longName, lengthLongName);
+ throw ReOptionException(this, i18n("Unknown option: $1"), name.constData());
+ }
+/** @brief Sets the last error message.
+ *
+ * @param message The error message.
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::setLastError(const char* message) {
+ m_lastError = message;
+/** @brief Sets the last error message.
+ *
+ * @param message The error message.
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::setLastError(const QByteArray& message) {
+ m_lastError = message;
+/** @brief Sets the option value.
+ *
+ * @param name The option's name.
+ * @param value The option's value.
+ * @param dataType Theo option's data type.
+ */
+void ReProgramArgs::setValue(const char* name, const char* value,
+ DataType dataType) {
+ switch (dataType) {
+ case DT_INT:
+ if (strspn(value, "01234567890") != strlen(value))
+ throw ReOptionException(this,
+ QObject::tr("Option %1 expect an integer as parameter, not %2").arg(name)
+ .arg(value));
+ break;
+ case DT_STRING:
+ if (value[0] == '\0')
+ throw ReOptionException(this,
+ QObject::tr("Option %1: Empty parameter is not allowed").arg(name));
+ break;
+ case DT_BOOL:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ QByteArray buffer;
+ // First character says: defined.
+ buffer.appendChar(' ').append(value, -1);
+ m_values.put(name, buffer.constData());
--- /dev/null
+ * ReProgramArgs.hpp
+ *
+ * License: Public Domain
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * Do what you want.
+ * No warranties and disclaimer of any damages.
+ * You also can use this license: http://www.wtfpl.net
+ * The latest sources: https://github.com/republib
+ */
+class ReProgramArgs;
+/** All errors will reported by this exception.
+ */
+class ReOptionException: public ReException {
+ ReOptionException(ReProgramArgs* caller, const char* format, ...);
+ ReOptionException(ReProgramArgs* caller, const QString& message);
+class ReProgOption;
+typedef QMap<QByteArray, ReProgOption*> ReProgOptionMap;
+ * This class analyses the program arguments and give an interface for retrieving them.
+ *
+ * Program arguments contains the program name, possibly options and "true" arguments.
+ * <p>Options are short name options or long name options.</p>
+ * <p>A short name option is preceded by a single dash ('-'), a long name option starts with two dashes: (--).</p>
+ * <p>There are three types of options: boolean, integer and string.</p>
+ * <p>Every option must have an default value.</p>
+ * <p>A boolean option has normally a default value <code>false</code>. If it appears in the arguments
+ * it will be have the value <code>true</code>.</p>
+ * <p>An integer or string option can be followed by an integer or string value:<br>
+ * Short name option: -x value or -xvalue<br>
+ * Long name option: -xxx=value</p>
+ * <p>The program must contain a definition of the options: <code>addInt(), addBool() and/or addString()</code>,
+ * the analyse (<code>init()</code>) and the retrieval (<code>getInt(), getBool() and/or getString()</code>.</p>
+ * <p>The connection between definition and retrieval are names.</p>
+ */
+class ReProgramArgs {
+ static const char* PREFIX_LINE_OPTION;
+ enum DataType {
+ DT_UNDEF = 0,
+ DT_INT = 'i',
+ DT_BOOL = 'b',
+ DT_STRING = 's',
+ };
+ enum {
+ };
+ ReProgramArgs(const char* usageList[], const char* examples[] = NULL);
+ ReProgramArgs(const char* usageString, const char* examples = NULL);
+ virtual ~ReProgramArgs();
+ void addBool(const char* name, const char* description, char shortOpt,
+ const char* longOpt, bool defaultVal);
+ void addInt(const char* name, const char* description, char shortOpt,
+ const char* longOpt, int defaultVal);
+ void addString(const char* name, const char* description, char shortOpt,
+ const char* longOpt, bool mayBeEmpty, const char* defaultVal);
+ int argCount() const;
+ const char* arg(size_t index) const;
+ bool getBool(const char* name);
+ int getInt(const char* name);
+ const char* getString(const char* name, QByteArray& buffer);
+ void help(const char* message, bool issueLastError,
+ QByteArrayList& lines) const;
+ void help(const char* message, bool issueLastError, FILE* stream) const;
+ void init(int argc, const char* argv[]);
+ const char* programName() const;
+ void setLastError(const char* message);
+ void setLastError(const QByteArray& message);
+ void setUsage(const char* usage[]);
+ void addProperties(const char*name, const char* description, char shortOpt,
+ const char* longOpt, DataType dataType, const char* defaultValue,
+ size_t lengthValue);
+ void analyseLong(const char* opt);
+ bool analyseShort(const char* opt, const char* nextArg);
+ ReProgOption* search(char shortName, const char* longName);
+ void setValue(const char* name, const char* value, DataType dataType);
+ QByteArrayList m_usage;
+ QByteArrayList m_examples;
+ ReProgOptionMap m_options;
+ const char** m_args;
+ int m_argCount;
+ const char* m_program;
+ QByteArray m_lastError;
+class ReProgOption {
+ ReProgramArgs::DataType m_type;
+ QByteArray m_name;
+ QByteArray m_longName;
+ char m_shortName;
+ QByteArray m_value;
+ QByteArray m_defaultValue;
+#endif /* REPROGRAMARGS_H_ */