ui(new Ui::MainWindow),
- m_logger(logger) {
+ m_logger(logger),
+ m_fileTree(NULL),
+ m_dockProjectTree(NULL) {
if (workspace == NULL)
workspace = QDir::homePath().toUtf8();
changeWorkspace(workspace == NULL ? QDir::homePath() : workspace);
* @param path the directory containing the project data
-void MainWindow::changeProject(const QString& path) {
+void MainWindow::changeProject(QString path) {
delete m_project;
- m_project = new Project(path, m_logger);
+ if (path.endsWith(OS_SEPARATOR_STR))
+ path.remove(path.size() - 1, 1);
+ m_project = new Project(path, this);
int maxEntries = m_workspace->intValue("history.max_projects");
m_workspace->addHistoryEntry(Workspace::KEY_HISTORY_PROJECTS, path, ';',
+ if (m_fileTree == NULL) {
+ m_fileTree = new ReFileTree(path, m_logger, this);
+ m_dockProjectTree = new QDockWidget("", this);
+ m_dockProjectTree->setWidget(m_fileTree);
+ addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, m_dockProjectTree);
+ }
+ m_fileTree->setPath(path);
+ m_dockProjectTree->setWindowTitle(
+ tr("Project") + " " + ReQStringUtils::nodeOf(path));
explicit MainWindow(const char* workspace, const char* project,
ReLogger* logger, QWidget *parent = 0);
- void changeProject(const QString& path);
+ void changeProject(QString path);
void changeWorkspace(const QString& path);
void closeProject();
void openFile(const QString& name);
Project* m_project;
Workspace* m_workspace;
ReLogger* m_logger;
+ ReFileTree* m_fileTree;
+ QDockWidget* m_dockProjectTree;
#include "reditor.hpp"
+const char* Project::KEY_HISTORY_OPEN_FILES = "openFiles";
* Constructor.
* @param path the directory containing the configuration
* @param logger the logger
-Project::Project(const QString& path, ReLogger* logger) :
- ReSettings(path, ".reditor.proj", logger) {
+Project::Project(const QString& path, MainWindow* mainWindow) :
+ ReSettings(path, ".reditor.proj", mainWindow->logger()),
+ m_mainWindow(mainWindow) {
+ QString filename = topOfHistory(KEY_HISTORY_OPEN_FILES);
+ QFileInfo info(filename);
+ if (!filename.isEmpty() && info.exists() && !info.isDir()) {
+ m_mainWindow->openFile(filename);
+ }
+ * Opens a file in the project directory.
+ *
+ * @param filename the filename relative to the project directory
+ */
+void Project::openFile(const QString& filename) {
+ QString full = m_path + OS_SEPARATOR_STR + filename;
+ addHistoryEntry(KEY_HISTORY_OPEN_FILES, filename, ';', 1);
+ m_mainWindow->openFile(full);
+class MainWindow;
class Project: public ReSettings {
- Project(const QString& path, ReLogger* logger);
+ static const char* KEY_HISTORY_OPEN_FILES;
+ Project(const QString& path, MainWindow* mainWindow);
+ void openFile(const QString& filename);
+ MainWindow* m_mainWindow;
#endif // PROJECT_HPP
buildTableInfo(workspace, Workspace::KEY_HISTORY_PROJECTS, false,
buildTable("", m_files, ui->tableWidgetFiles);
- buildTable(QString(""), m_projects, ui->tableWidgetProjects);
+ buildTable("", m_projects, ui->tableWidgetProjects);
+#include <QDockWidget>
#include "base/rebase.hpp"
#include "gui/regui.hpp"
#include "workspace.hpp"
../../gui/ReStateStorage.cpp \
../../gui/ReSettings.cpp \
../../base/ReFile.cpp \
+ ../../gui/ReFileTree.cpp \
mainwindow.cpp \
../../base/ReLogger.cpp \
../../base/ReQStringUtils.cpp \
checkEqu("pretty woman", settings.stringValue("level2.strVal"));
+ void testTopOfHistory() {
+ QByteArray dir(ReFile::tempDir("resettings", NULL, false));
+ ReFile::deleteTree((QString) dir, false, &m_logger);
+ {
+ ReSettings settings(dir, "test", &m_logger);
+ settings.addHistoryEntry("fluid", "beer", ' ', 3);
+ settings.addHistoryEntry("fluid", "wine", ' ', 3);
+ }
+ ReSettings settings(dir, "test", &m_logger);
+ checkEqu("wine", settings.topOfHistory("fluid"));
+ checkEqu("???", settings.topOfHistory("unknown", "???"));
+ }
virtual void run() {
+ testTopOfHistory();
--- /dev/null
+ * storage.cpp
+ *
+ * License: Public Domain
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * Do what you want.
+ * No warranties and disclaimer of any damages.
+ * You also can use this license: http://www.wtfpl.net
+ * The latest sources: https://github.com/republib
+ */
+#include "base/rebase.hpp"
+#include "gui/regui.hpp"
+enum {
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param path
+ * @param logger
+ * @param parent
+ */
+ReFileTree::ReFileTree(const QString& path, ReLogger* logger, QWidget* parent) :
+ QTreeView(parent),
+ m_path(path),
+ m_logger(logger),
+ m_model() {
+ setPath(path);
+ setModel(&m_model);
+ * Sets the directory path of the widget.
+ *
+ * @param path the path of the base directory shown in the tree widget
+ */
+void ReFileTree::setPath(const QString& path) {
+ m_model.setRootPath(path);
+ QModelIndex idx = m_model.index(path);
+ setRootIndex(idx);
--- /dev/null
+ * storage.hpp
+ *
+ * License: Public Domain
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * Do what you want.
+ * No warranties and disclaimer of any damages.
+ * You also can use this license: http://www.wtfpl.net
+ * The latest sources: https://github.com/republib
+ */
+#include <QTreeView>
+#include <QFileSystemModel>
+ * Displays a directory with its files and subdirectories in a tree view.
+ */
+class ReFileTree: public QTreeView {
+ ReFileTree(const QString& path, ReLogger* logger, QWidget* parent = NULL);
+ void setPath(const QString& path);
+ QString m_path;
+ ReLogger* m_logger;
+ QFileSystemModel m_model;
+ * Returns the first item of a history entry.
+ *
+ * A history entry contains a list of items.
+ *
+ * @param key the key in the map
+ * @param defaultValue if the key does not exist this value is returned
+ * @return <code>defaultValue</code>: the key does not exist<br>
+ * otherwise: the first item of the history entry
+ */
+QString ReSettings::topOfHistory(const char* key, const QString& defaultValue) {
+ ReStateStorage store(m_fileHistory);
+ store.initForRead();
+ QString rc = store.map().value(key, "\t");
+ if (rc == "\t")
+ rc = defaultValue;
+ else if (rc.isEmpty())
+ rc = "";
+ else {
+ QChar separator = rc.at(0);
+ int end = rc.indexOf(separator, 1);
+ if (end < 0)
+ rc = rc.mid(1);
+ else
+ rc = rc.mid(1, end - 1);
+ }
+ store.close();
+ store.flushMap();
+ return rc;
* Returns the value of a boolean property.
* @return the name of the storage's directory
-QString ReSettings::path() const {
+const QString& ReSettings::path() const {
return m_path;
const char* form = NULL);
void insertProperty(ReProperty* property);
int intValue(const char* name);
- QString path() const;
+ const QString& path() const;
void readSettings();
QString stringValue(const char* name);
+ QString topOfHistory(const char* key, const QString& defaultValue = "");
void writeSettings();
QString m_path;
#include "gui/ReGuiValidator.hpp"
#include "gui/ReEdit.hpp"
#include "gui/ReSettings.hpp"
+#include "gui/ReFileTree.hpp"
* Tests whether a point is inside the rectangle (including border).
* @param rect rectangle to test
* @return <code>true</code>: the point lays inside the rectangle
inline bool rectContains(const QRect& rect, const QPoint& point,
- const char* what = "") {
+ const char* what = "") {
#if 1
return point.x() >= rect.x() && point.y() >= rect.y()
- && point.x() < rect.x() + rect.width()
- && point.y() < rect.y() + rect.height();
+ && point.x() < rect.x() + rect.width()
+ && point.y() < rect.y() + rect.height();
bool rc = point.x() >= rect.x();
char reason = ' ';
#define LOC_FIRST_OF(moduleNo) (moduleNo*100+1)
class RplModules {