+ <file>icons/folder_page.png</file>
* You also can use this license: http://www.wtfpl.net
* The latest sources: https://github.com/republib
-#include "base/rebase.hpp"
-#include "../reditor/mainwindow.hpp"
+#include "reditor.hpp"
#include <QApplication>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ const char* workspace = NULL;
+ const char* project = NULL;
+ for (int ix = 1; ix < argc; ix++) {
+ if (argv[ix][0] == '-') {
+ if (strcmp(argv[ix], "-w") == 0 && ix < argc - 1) {
+ workspace = argv[++ix];
+ } else if (strncmp(argv[ix], "--workspace=", 12) == 0) {
+ workspace = argv[ix] + 12;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[ix], "-p") == 0 && ix < argc - 1) {
+ project = argv[++ix];
+ } else if (strncmp(argv[ix], "--project=", 10) == 0) {
+ workspace = argv[ix] + 10;
+ }
+ }
+ }
QApplication a(argc, argv);
ReLogger logger;
ReDebugAppender appender;
- MainWindow w;
+ MainWindow w(workspace, project);
logger.log(LOG_INFO, 1, "start");
* The latest sources: https://github.com/republib
-#include "base/rebase.hpp"
-#include "gui/regui.hpp"
-#include "../reditor/mainwindow.hpp"
+#include "reditor.hpp"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include <QFileDialog>
-MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
- QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow){
- ui->setupUi(this);
- ReEdit* edit = ui->widget;
+MainWindow::MainWindow(const char* workspace, const char* project,
+ QWidget *parent) :
+ QMainWindow(parent),
+ ui(new Ui::MainWindow),
+ m_workspace(NULL),
+ m_project(NULL) {
+ if (workspace == NULL)
+ workspace = QDir::homePath().toUtf8();
+ changeWorkspace(workspace == NULL ? QDir::homePath() : workspace);
+ QString proj(project == NULL ? "" : project);
+ if (project == NULL) {
+ QStringList lastProjects = m_workspace->historyAsList("projects");
+ int ix = 0;
+ while (proj.isEmpty() && ix < lastProjects.size()) {
+ QFileInfo dir(lastProjects.at(ix));
+ if (dir.isDir() && dir.isWritable())
+ proj = lastProjects.at(ix);
+ }
+ if (!proj.isEmpty())
+ m_project = new Project(proj);
+ }
+ ui->setupUi(this);
+ ReEdit* edit = ui->widget;
#if defined __linux__
- m_file = new ReFile("/home/hm/editor.txt", false);
+ m_file = new ReFile("/home/hm/editor.txt", false);
- m_file = new ReFile("U:\\ws_cpp\\rplqt\\Doxyfile", false);
+ m_file = new ReFile("U:\\ws_cpp\\rplqt\\Doxyfile", false);
- edit->setLines(m_file);
- edit->setCursorLine(0);
- connect(ui->actionOpen, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
- SLOT(openFile()));
+ edit->setLines(m_file);
+ edit->setCursorLine(0);
+ connect(ui->actionOpen, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(open()));
+ open();
+MainWindow::~MainWindow() {
+ delete ui;
+ * Change the current project.
+ *
+ * @param path the directory containing the project data
+ */
+void MainWindow::changeProject(const QString& path) {
+ delete m_project;
+ m_project = new Project(path);
- delete ui;
+ * Change the workspace.
+ *
+ * @param path the directory containing the workspace data
+ */
+void MainWindow::changeWorkspace(const QString& path) {
+ delete m_workspace;
+ m_workspace = new Workspace(path);
* Calls the file selection dialog.
-void MainWindow::openFile(){
- QString name = m_file == NULL ? "" : m_file->filename();
- name = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select File"),
- name);
- if (!name.isEmpty()){
- delete m_file;
- m_file = new ReFile(name, false);
- ui->widget->setLines(m_file);
- }
+void MainWindow::openFile(const QString& name) {
+ m_file = new ReFile(name, false);
+ ReEdit* edit = ui->widget;
+ edit->setLines(m_file);
+ edit->setCursorLine(0);
+ * Closes the current project.
+ */
+void MainWindow::closeProject() {
+ if (!m_project.isEmpty()) {
+ }
+ * Opens a project.
+ */
+void MainWindow::openProject(const QString& name) {
+ closeProject();
+ m_project = name;
+ * Shows the "open project/file dialog".
+ */
+void MainWindow::open() {
+ ProjectSelection dialog(this);
+ dialog.exec();
+ * Returns the current workspace.
+ *
+ * @return the current workspace
+ */
+Storage* MainWindow::project() const {
+ return m_project;
+Storage* MainWindow::workspace() const {
+ return m_workspace;
class MainWindow: public QMainWindow {
- explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
- ~MainWindow();
+ explicit MainWindow(const char* workspace, const char* project,
+ QWidget *parent = 0);
+ ~MainWindow();
+ void changeProject(const QString& path);
+ void changeWorkspace(const QString& path);
+ void closeProject();
+ void openFile(const QString& name);
+ void openProject(const QString& name);
+ Storage* project() const;
+ Storage* workspace() const;
-protected slots:
- void openFile();
+public slots:
+ void open();
- Ui::MainWindow *ui;
- ReFile* m_file;
+ Ui::MainWindow *ui;
+ ReFile* m_file;
+ Storage* m_project;
+ Storage* m_workspace;
--- /dev/null
+ * Licence:
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * There is no warranty.
+ * You also can use the licence from http://www.wtfpl.net/.
+ * The original sources can be found on https://github.com/republib.
+ */
+#include "reditor.hpp"
+Project::Project(const QString& path) :
+ Storage(path, "proj") {
--- /dev/null
+ * Licence:
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * There is no warranty.
+ * You also can use the licence from http://www.wtfpl.net/.
+ * The original sources can be found on https://github.com/republib.
+ */
+#ifndef PROJECT_HPP
+#define PROJECT_HPP
+class Project: public Storage {
+ Project(const QString& path);
+#endif // PROJECT_HPP
* There is no warranty.
* You also can use the licence from http://www.wtfpl.net/.
* The original sources can be found on https://github.com/republib.
+ */
-#include "projectselection.hpp"
+#include "reditor.hpp"
#include "ui_projectselection.h"
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QMessageBox>
-ProjectSelection::ProjectSelection(QWidget *parent) :
- QDialog(parent),
- ui(new Ui::ProjectSelection)
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param parent NULL or the parent
+ * @param mainWindow the main window
+ */
+ProjectSelection::ProjectSelection(MainWindow* mainWindow, QWidget *parent) :
+ QDialog(parent),
+ ui(new Ui::ProjectSelection),
+ m_mainWindow(mainWindow) {
+ connect(ui->toolButtonSelectFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
+ SLOT(selectFile()));
+ connect(ui->toolButtonSelectProject, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
+ SLOT(selectDir()));
+ connect(ui->pushButtonOpen, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(open()));
+ connect(ui->pushButtonOpenLastFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
+ SLOT(openLastFile()));
+ connect(ui->pushButtonOpenLastProject, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
+ SLOT(openLastProject()));
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ProjectSelection::~ProjectSelection() {
delete ui;
+ * Shows an error message.
+ *
+ * @param message message to show
+ */
+void ProjectSelection::error(const QString& message) {
+ QMessageBox dialog(QMessageBox::Critical, "Error", message,
+ QMessageBox::Close);
+ dialog.exec();
+ * Opens a file or a directory (project directory).
+ */
+void ProjectSelection::open() {
+ QString name = ui->lineEditOpen->text();
+ if (name.isEmpty())
+ error("missing filename/project directory");
+ else {
+ QFileInfo file(name);
+ if (!file.exists())
+ error("does not exists: " + name);
+ else {
+ if (file.isDir())
+ m_mainWindow->openProject(name);
+ else
+ m_mainWindow->openFile(name);
+ close();
+ }
+ }
+ * Opens the selected recently opened file.
+ */
+void ProjectSelection::openLastFile() {
+ * Opens the selected recently opened project (project directory).
+ */
+void ProjectSelection::openLastProject() {
+ * Selects a directory (project directory) with an open dialog.
+ */
+void ProjectSelection::selectDir() {
+ QString name = ui->lineEditOpen->text();
+ if (name.isEmpty())
+ name = m_mainWindow->project();
+ name = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
+ tr("Select Project Directory"), name);
+ if (!name.isEmpty()) {
+ ui->lineEditOpen->setText(name);
+ open();
+ }
+ * Selects a file with a file open dialog.
+ */
+void ProjectSelection::selectFile() {
+ QString name = ui->lineEditOpen->text();
+ name = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select File"), name);
+ if (!name.isEmpty()) {
+ ui->lineEditOpen->setText(name);
+ open();
+ }
* There is no warranty.
* You also can use the licence from http://www.wtfpl.net/.
* The original sources can be found on https://github.com/republib.
+ */
namespace Ui {
class ProjectSelection;
-class ProjectSelection : public QDialog
+class MainWindow;
+class ProjectSelection: public QDialog {
- explicit ProjectSelection(QWidget *parent = 0);
+ explicit ProjectSelection(MainWindow* mainWindow, QWidget *parent = 0);
+public slots:
+ void open();
+ void openLastFile();
+ void openLastProject();
+ void selectDir();
+ void selectFile();
+ void error(const QString& message);
Ui::ProjectSelection *ui;
+ MainWindow* m_mainWindow;
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_4">
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEdit"/>
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="lineEditOpen">
+ <property name="toolTip">
+ <string>Name of the file/project directory to open</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
<widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButtonOpen">
+ <property name="toolTip">
+ <string>Opens the file/project (Control-O)</string>
+ </property>
<property name="text">
- <string>open</string>
+ <string>Open</string>
<widget class="QToolButton" name="toolButtonSelectFile">
<property name="toolTip">
- <string>Selects a file wit a file open dialog box</string>
+ <string>Selects a file wit a file open dialog box (Control-Shift-F)</string>
<property name="text">
+ <property name="shortcut">
+ <string>Ctrl+Shift+F</string>
+ </property>
- <widget class="QToolButton" name="toolButton">
+ <widget class="QToolButton" name="toolButtonSelectProject">
<property name="toolTip">
- <string>Select a project directory with a directory open box</string>
+ <string>Select a project directory with a directory open box (Control-Shift-P)</string>
<property name="text">
+ <property name="shortcut">
+ <string>Ctrl+Shift+P</string>
+ </property>
<property name="orientation">
- <widget class="QWidget" name="">
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="layoutWidget">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
<widget class="QTableWidget" name="tableWidgetFiles">
<property name="columnCount">
- <number>6</number>
+ <number>3</number>
<attribute name="horizontalHeaderMinimumSectionSize">
- <column/>
- <column/>
- <column/>
- <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButtonOpenLast">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButtonOpenLastFile">
+ <property name="toolTip">
+ <string>Opens the selected last opened file (Control-F)</string>
+ </property>
<property name="text">
- <string>Open again</string>
+ <string>Open File</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="shortcut">
+ <string>Ctrl+F</string>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="">
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="layoutWidget">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2">
<widget class="QTableWidget" name="tableWidgetProjects">
<property name="columnCount">
- <number>4</number>
+ <number>2</number>
<attribute name="horizontalHeaderStretchLastSection">
- <column/>
- <column/>
<widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButtonOpenLastProject">
+ <property name="toolTip">
+ <string>Opens the selected last opened project (Control-P)</string>
+ </property>
<property name="text">
- <string>Open again</string>
+ <string>Open project</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="shortcut">
+ <string>Ctrl+P</string>
--- /dev/null
+ * Licence:
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * There is no warranty.
+ * You also can use the licence from http://www.wtfpl.net/.
+ * The original sources can be found on https://github.com/republib.
+ */
+#ifndef REDITOR_HPP
+#define REDITOR_HPP
+#include "base/rebase.hpp"
+#include "gui/regui.hpp"
+#include "storage.hpp"
+#include "workspace.hpp"
+#include "project.hpp"
+#include "mainwindow.hpp"
+#include "projectselection.hpp"
+#endif // REDITOR_HPP
SOURCES += main.cpp\
../../gui/ReEdit.cpp \
+ ../../gui/ReStateStorage.cpp \
../../base/ReFile.cpp \
mainwindow.cpp \
- ../../base/ReLogger.cpp \
- ../../base/ReQStringUtil.cpp \
- ../../base/ReException.cpp \
- projectselection.cpp
+ ../../base/ReLogger.cpp \
+ ../../base/ReQStringUtil.cpp \
+ ../../base/ReException.cpp \
+ projectselection.cpp \
+ workspace.cpp \
+ project.cpp \
+ storage.cpp
HEADERS += mainwindow.hpp \
../../base/rebase.hpp \
../../gui/regui.hpp \
../../gui/ReEdit.hpp \
- ../../base/ReStringUtil.hpp \
- ../../base/ReQStringUtil.hpp \
- ../../base/ReException.hpp \
- projectselection.hpp
+ ../../base/ReStringUtil.hpp \
+ ../../base/ReQStringUtil.hpp \
+ ../../base/ReException.hpp \
+ projectselection.hpp \
+ workspace.hpp \
+ project.hpp \
+ reditor.hpp \
+ storage.hpp
FORMS += mainwindow.ui \
- projectselection.ui
+ projectselection.ui
--- /dev/null
+ * Licence:
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * There is no warranty.
+ * You also can use the licence from http://www.wtfpl.net/.
+ * The original sources can be found on https://github.com/republib.
+ */
+#include "reditor.hpp"
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ * @param path the parent directory for the storage files
+ * @param prefix type of the storage: "proj" or "ws" (workspace)
+ */
+Storage::Storage(const QString& path, const QString prefix) :
+ m_path(path),
+ m_history(path + OS_SEPARATOR + ".reditor." + prefix + ".history"),
+ m_settings(path + OS_SEPARATOR + ".reditor." + prefix + ".settings") {
+void Storage::addHistoryEntry(const char* key, const QString& value,
+ char separator, int maxEntries) {
+ ReStateStorage store(m_history);
+ store.addHistoryEntry(key, value, separator, maxEntries);
+ store.close();
+ store.flushMap();
--- /dev/null
+ * Licence:
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * There is no warranty.
+ * You also can use the licence from http://www.wtfpl.net/.
+ * The original sources can be found on https://github.com/republib.
+ */
+#ifndef STORAGE_HPP
+#define STORAGE_HPP
+class Storage {
+ Storage(const QString& path, const QString prefix);
+ void addHistoryEntry(const char* key, const QString& value, char separator,
+ int maxEntries);
+ QString m_path;
+ QString m_history;
+ QString m_settings;
+#endif // STORAGE_HPP
--- /dev/null
+ * Licence:
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * There is no warranty.
+ * You also can use the licence from http://www.wtfpl.net/.
+ * The original sources can be found on https://github.com/republib.
+ */
+#include "reditor.hpp"
+Workspace::Workspace(const QString& path) :
+ Storage(path, "ws") {
--- /dev/null
+ * Licence:
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * There is no warranty.
+ * You also can use the licence from http://www.wtfpl.net/.
+ * The original sources can be found on https://github.com/republib.
+ */
+class Workspace: public Storage {
+ Workspace(const QString& path);
+#endif // WORKSPACE_HPP
MainWindow::MainWindow(const QString& startDir, const QString& homeDir,
QWidget *parent) :
- QMainWindow(parent),
- ui(new Ui::MainWindow),
- m_statusMessage(NULL),
- m_stdLabelBackgroundRole(NULL),
- m_textFinder(),
- m_lastBaseDir(),
- m_horizontalHeader(NULL),
- m_lastOrder(Qt::DescendingOrder),
- m_homeDir(homeDir),
- m_storageFile(),
- m_contextHandlers(){
+ QMainWindow(parent),
+ ui(new Ui::MainWindow),
+ m_statusMessage(NULL),
+ m_stdLabelBackgroundRole(NULL),
+ m_textFinder(),
+ m_lastBaseDir(),
+ m_horizontalHeader(NULL),
+ m_lastOrder(Qt::DescendingOrder),
+ m_homeDir(homeDir),
+ m_storageFile(),
+ m_contextHandlers(){
m_statusMessage = new QLabel(tr("Welcome at refind"));
if (!startDir.isEmpty())
- ui->comboBoxDirectory->setCurrentText(startDir);
+ ui->comboBoxDirectory->setCurrentText(startDir);
if (ui->comboBoxDirectory->currentText().isEmpty())
- ui->comboBoxDirectory->setCurrentText(QDir::currentPath());
+ ui->comboBoxDirectory->setCurrentText(QDir::currentPath());
connect(ui->actionSearch, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(search()));
connect(ui->actionUp, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(up()));
connect(ui->pushButtonUp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(up()));
connect(ui->actionSelectDirectory, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
- SLOT(selectDirectory()));
+ SLOT(selectDirectory()));
connect(ui->actionSaveProgramState, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
- SLOT(saveState()));
+ SLOT(saveState()));
connect(ui->pushButtonDirectory, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
- SLOT(selectDirectory()));
+ SLOT(selectDirectory()));
connect(ui->actionAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(about()));
connect(ui->actionOptions, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(options()));
connect(ui->actionGetAbsPath, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
- SLOT(absPathToClipboard()));
+ SLOT(absPathToClipboard()));
connect(ui->actionGetFullName, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
- SLOT(fullNameToClipboard()));
+ SLOT(fullNameToClipboard()));
connect(ui->actionGetFullName, SIGNAL(triggered()), this,
- SLOT(fullNameToClipboard()));
+ SLOT(fullNameToClipboard()));
connect(ui->actionReset, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resetParameters()));
connect(ui->tableWidget, SIGNAL(cellClicked(int,int)), this, SLOT(cellEntered(int, int)));
connect(ui->actionExport, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportFiles()));
connect(ui->pushButtonExport, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(exportFiles()));
connect(ui->pushButtonExportFile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
- SLOT(selectExportFile()));
+ SLOT(selectExportFile()));
connect(ui->pushButtonFilePlaceholder, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
- SLOT(filePlaceholder()));
+ SLOT(filePlaceholder()));
connect(ui->pushButtonHeaderPlaceholder, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
- SLOT(headerPlaceholder()));
+ SLOT(headerPlaceholder()));
connect(ui->pushButtonFooterPlaceholder, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
- SLOT(footerPlaceholder()));
+ SLOT(footerPlaceholder()));
connect(ui->actionPreview, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(preview()));
connect(ui->pushButtonPreview, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(preview()));
m_horizontalHeader = ui->tableWidget->horizontalHeader();
connect(m_horizontalHeader, SIGNAL(sectionClicked ( int ) ),
- this, SLOT(headerClicked ( int ) ));
+ this, SLOT(headerClicked ( int ) ));
ui->tableWidget->setColumnWidth(TC_NODE, 200);
ui->tableWidget->setColumnWidth(TC_EXT, 40);
ui->tableWidget->setColumnWidth(TC_SIZE, 125);
void MainWindow::initializeHome(){
if (m_homeDir.isEmpty()){
- m_homeDir = QDir::home().absoluteFilePath(".refind");
+ m_homeDir = QDir::home().absoluteFilePath(".refind");
QDir home(m_homeDir);
if (!home.exists()){
- if (!home.mkpath(m_homeDir)){
- m_homeDir = home.tempPath() + "/.refind";
- home.mkpath(m_homeDir);
- }
+ if (!home.mkpath(m_homeDir)){
+ m_homeDir = home.tempPath() + "/.refind";
+ home.mkpath(m_homeDir);
+ }
if (!m_homeDir.endsWith("/"))
- m_homeDir += "/";
+ m_homeDir += "/";
m_storageFile = m_homeDir + "state.conf";
void MainWindow::absPathToClipboard(){
int row = ui->tableWidget->currentRow();
if (row >= 0){
- QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
- clipboard->setText(buildAbsPath(row));
+ QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
+ clipboard->setText(buildAbsPath(row));
QString rc(m_lastBaseDir.absolutePath());
QString value = cellAsText(row, TC_PATH);
if (!value.isEmpty()){
- ReQStringUtil::ensureLastChar(rc, '/');
- rc += value;
+ ReQStringUtil::ensureLastChar(rc, '/');
+ rc += value;
if (withNode){
- ReQStringUtil::ensureLastChar(rc, '/');
- rc += cellAsText(row, TC_NODE);
+ ReQStringUtil::ensureLastChar(rc, '/');
+ rc += cellAsText(row, TC_NODE);
if (uriFormat){
- rc = "file://" + rc;
+ rc = "file://" + rc;
#if defined WIN32
- rc = rc.replace('\\', '/');
+ rc = rc.replace('\\', '/');
return rc;
QDir::Filters MainWindow::buildFileTypes(){
QDir::Filters rc = 0;
if (ui->checkBoxDirs->isChecked())
- rc |= QDir::Dirs;
+ rc |= QDir::Dirs;
if (ui->checkBoxFiles->isChecked())
- rc |= QDir::Files;
+ rc |= QDir::Files;
if (rc == 0)
- rc |= QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files;
+ rc |= QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files;
if (!ui->checkBoxLinks->isChecked())
- rc |= QDir::NoSymLinks;
+ rc |= QDir::NoSymLinks;
return rc;
QTableWidgetItem* widget = ui->tableWidget->item(row, col);
QString rc;
if (widget != NULL)
- rc = widget->text();
+ rc = widget->text();
return rc;
int start = 0;
QString replacement;
while (start < rc.length()){
- start = text.indexOf('\\', start);
- if (start < 0)
- break;
- QChar replacement = 0;
- switch (text[start + 1].toLatin1()) {
- case 'n':
- replacement = '\n';
- break;
- case 't':
- replacement = '\t';
- break;
- case 'r':
- replacement = '\r';
- break;
- default:
- replacement = text[start + 1];
- break;
- }
- rc.remove(start, 1);
- rc[start] = replacement;
- start++;
+ start = text.indexOf('\\', start);
+ if (start < 0)
+ break;
+ QChar replacement = 0;
+ switch (text[start + 1].toLatin1()) {
+ case 'n':
+ replacement = '\n';
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ replacement = '\t';
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ replacement = '\r';
+ break;
+ default:
+ replacement = text[start + 1];
+ break;
+ }
+ rc.remove(start, 1);
+ rc[start] = replacement;
+ start++;
return rc;
if (ui->radioButtonFile->isChecked()){
- QString fn = ui->comboBoxExportFile->currentText();
- FILE* fp = fopen(fn.toUtf8(), "w");
- if (fp == NULL)
- guiError(ui->comboBoxExportFile, tr("not a valid file: ") + fn);
- else{
- QTextStream stream(fp);
- exportToStream(stream);
- fclose(fp);
- setStatusMessage(false, tr("result exported to ") + fn);
- }
+ QString fn = ui->comboBoxExportFile->currentText();
+ FILE* fp = fopen(fn.toUtf8(), "w");
+ if (fp == NULL)
+ guiError(ui->comboBoxExportFile, tr("not a valid file: ") + fn);
+ else{
+ QTextStream stream(fp);
+ exportToStream(stream);
+ fclose(fp);
+ setStatusMessage(false, tr("result exported to ") + fn);
+ }
- QString value;
- QTextStream stream(&value);
- m_errors = 0;
- exportToStream(stream);
- QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
- clipboard->setText(value);
- if (m_errors == 0)
- setStatusMessage(false, tr("result exported to the clipboard"));
+ QString value;
+ QTextStream stream(&value);
+ m_errors = 0;
+ exportToStream(stream);
+ QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
+ clipboard->setText(value);
+ if (m_errors == 0)
+ setStatusMessage(false, tr("result exported to the clipboard"));
QMap < QString, QString > placeholders;
buildGlobalPlaceholders (placeholders);
if (!ui->comboBoxHeader->currentText().isEmpty()){
- stream << replaceGlobalPlaceholders(ui->comboBoxHeader, placeholders)
- << endl;
+ stream << replaceGlobalPlaceholders(ui->comboBoxHeader, placeholders)
+ << endl;
int count = ui->tableWidget->rowCount();
if (count > 0 && maxRow > 0)
- count = maxRow;
+ count = maxRow;
QString error;
for (int ii = 0; ii < count; ii++){
- QString line = ui->comboBoxTemplate->currentText();
- QMap < QString, QString > placeholders;
- QString path = m_lastBaseDir.absoluteFilePath(
- ReQStringUtil::pathAppend(ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_PATH)->text(),
- ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_NODE)->text()));
- placeholders.insert("full", ReQStringUtil::nativePath(path));
- placeholders.insert("path", ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_PATH)->text());
- placeholders.insert("ext", ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_EXT)->text());
- placeholders.insert("node", ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_NODE)->text());
- placeholders.insert("modified",
- ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_MODIFIED)->text());
- placeholders.insert("size", ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_SIZE)->text());
- if (!ReQStringUtil::replacePlaceholders(line, placeholders, &error)){
- guiError(ui->comboBoxTemplate, error);
- break;
- }
- stream << replaceEscSequences(line) << endl;
+ QString line = ui->comboBoxTemplate->currentText();
+ QMap < QString, QString > placeholders;
+ QString path = m_lastBaseDir.absoluteFilePath(
+ ReQStringUtil::pathAppend(ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_PATH)->text(),
+ ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_NODE)->text()));
+ placeholders.insert("full", ReQStringUtil::nativePath(path));
+ placeholders.insert("path", ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_PATH)->text());
+ placeholders.insert("ext", ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_EXT)->text());
+ placeholders.insert("node", ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_NODE)->text());
+ placeholders.insert("modified",
+ ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_MODIFIED)->text());
+ placeholders.insert("size", ui->tableWidget->item(ii, TC_SIZE)->text());
+ if (!ReQStringUtil::replacePlaceholders(line, placeholders, &error)){
+ guiError(ui->comboBoxTemplate, error);
+ break;
+ }
+ stream << replaceEscSequences(line) << endl;
if (!ui->comboBoxFooter->currentText().isEmpty()){
- stream << replaceGlobalPlaceholders(ui->comboBoxFooter, placeholders)
- << endl;
+ stream << replaceGlobalPlaceholders(ui->comboBoxFooter, placeholders)
+ << endl;
QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData;
QList < QUrl > urls;
QList < QTableWidgetSelectionRange > ranges =
- ui->tableWidget->selectedRanges();
+ ui->tableWidget->selectedRanges();
QList <QTableWidgetSelectionRange>::iterator it;
int files = 0;
int dirs = 0;
bool isDir = false;
for (it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it){
- for (int row = (*it).topRow(); row <= (*it).bottomRow(); row++){
- isDir = cellAsText(row, TC_SIZE).isEmpty();
- QUrl url(buildAbsPath(row, true, true));
- urls.append(url);
- if (isDir)
- dirs++;
- else
- files++;
- }
+ for (int row = (*it).topRow(); row <= (*it).bottomRow(); row++){
+ isDir = cellAsText(row, TC_SIZE).isEmpty();
+ QUrl url(buildAbsPath(row, true, true));
+ urls.append(url);
+ if (isDir)
+ dirs++;
+ else
+ files++;
+ }
if (urls.size() > 0){
- mimeData->setUrls(urls);
- drag->setMimeData(mimeData);
- QPixmap image(200, 30);
- QPainter painter(&image);
- QString msg;
- if (urls.size() == 1)
- msg = tr("copy ") + ReQStringUtil::nodeOf(urls.at(0).toString());
- else if (files > 0 && dirs > 0)
- msg = tr("copy %1 file(s) and %2 dir(s)").arg(files).arg(dirs);
- else if (files > 0)
- msg = tr("copy %1 file(s)").arg(files);
- else
- msg = tr("copy %1 dirs(s)").arg(dirs);
- painter.fillRect(image.rect(), Qt::white);
- painter.drawText(10, 20, msg);
- drag->setPixmap(image);
- Qt::DropAction dropAction = drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction);
+ mimeData->setUrls(urls);
+ drag->setMimeData(mimeData);
+ QPixmap image(200, 30);
+ QPainter painter(&image);
+ QString msg;
+ if (urls.size() == 1)
+ msg = tr("copy ") + ReQStringUtil::nodeOf(urls.at(0).toString());
+ else if (files > 0 && dirs > 0)
+ msg = tr("copy %1 file(s) and %2 dir(s)").arg(files).arg(dirs);
+ else if (files > 0)
+ msg = tr("copy %1 file(s)").arg(files);
+ else
+ msg = tr("copy %1 dirs(s)").arg(dirs);
+ painter.fillRect(image.rect(), Qt::white);
+ painter.drawText(10, 20, msg);
+ drag->setPixmap(image);
+ Qt::DropAction dropAction = drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction);
DialogFilePlaceholder dialog;
if (!dialog.var().isEmpty()){
- QComboBox* target = ui->comboBoxTemplate;
- target->setCurrentText(target->currentText() + dialog.var());
+ QComboBox* target = ui->comboBoxTemplate;
+ target->setCurrentText(target->currentText() + dialog.var());
void MainWindow::fullNameToClipboard(){
int row = ui->tableWidget->currentRow();
if (row >= 0){
- QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
- QString path = buildAbsPath(row);
- path += cellAsText(row, TC_NODE);
- clipboard->setText(path);
+ QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
+ QString path = buildAbsPath(row);
+ path += cellAsText(row, TC_NODE);
+ clipboard->setText(path);
QList < QUrl > urls;
bool isInSelection = false;
QList < QTableWidgetSelectionRange > ranges =
- ui->tableWidget->selectedRanges();
+ ui->tableWidget->selectedRanges();
QList <QTableWidgetSelectionRange>::iterator it;
QString textList;
textList.reserve(ui->tableWidget->rowCount() * 80);
for (it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it){
- for (int row = (*it).topRow(); row <= (*it).bottomRow(); row++){
- isInSelection = isInSelection || row == currentRow;
- QString name(buildAbsPath(row, true));
- QUrl url(name);
- textList += name + '\n';
- urls.append(url);
- }
+ for (int row = (*it).topRow(); row <= (*it).bottomRow(); row++){
+ isInSelection = isInSelection || row == currentRow;
+ QString name(buildAbsPath(row, true));
+ QUrl url(name);
+ textList += name + '\n';
+ urls.append(url);
+ }
if (!isInSelection){
- urls.clear();
- urls.append(QUrl(full));
- textList = full;
+ urls.clear();
+ urls.append(QUrl(full));
+ textList = full;
QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
- tr("%1 entry/entries copied to clipboard").arg(urls.length()));
+ tr("%1 entry/entries copied to clipboard").arg(urls.length()));
QString dir;
switch (handler->m_directoryMode) {
case ContextHandler::DM_TO_PARENT:
- dir = parent;
- break;
+ dir = parent;
+ break;
case ContextHandler::DM_TO_FILE:
- dir = full;
- break;
+ dir = full;
+ break;
- dir = ui->comboBoxDirectory->currentText();
- break;
+ dir = ui->comboBoxDirectory->currentText();
+ break;
QMap < QString, QString > placeholders;
placeholders.insert("full", full);
QStringList args = arguments.split(' ');
bool hasErrors = false;
for (int ix = 0; ix < args.size(); ix++){
- QString arg = args.at(ix);
- if (!ReQStringUtil::replacePlaceholders(arg, placeholders, &error)){
- guiError(NULL, error);
- hasErrors = true;
- break;
- }
- args.replace(ix, arg);
+ QString arg = args.at(ix);
+ if (!ReQStringUtil::replacePlaceholders(arg, placeholders, &error)){
+ guiError(NULL, error);
+ hasErrors = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ args.replace(ix, arg);
if (!hasErrors){
- QProcess::startDetached(handler->m_program, args, dir, NULL);
- setStatusMessage(false,
- tr("started:") + " " + handler->m_program + " " + arguments);
+ QProcess::startDetached(handler->m_program, args, dir, NULL);
+ setStatusMessage(false,
+ tr("started:") + " " + handler->m_program + " " + arguments);
DialogGlobalPlaceholder dialog;
if (!dialog.var().isEmpty())
- target->setCurrentText(target->currentText() + dialog.var());
+ target->setCurrentText(target->currentText() + dialog.var());
QList < QTableWidgetSelectionRange > ranges = table->selectedRanges();
QList <QTableWidgetSelectionRange>::iterator it;
for (it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it){
- for (int row = (*it).topRow(); row <= (*it).bottomRow(); row++){
- isInSelection = isInSelection || row == currentRow;
- rc++;
- }
+ for (int row = (*it).topRow(); row <= (*it).bottomRow(); row++){
+ isInSelection = isInSelection || row == currentRow;
+ rc++;
+ }
return rc;
void MainWindow::handleTableContextMenu(const QPoint& position){
int currentRow = ui->tableWidget->rowAt(position.y());
if (currentRow >= 0){
- QMenu menu;
- QString node = ui->tableWidget->item(currentRow, TC_NODE)->text();
- QString parent = buildAbsPath(currentRow);
- QString full = ReQStringUtil::pathAppend(parent, node);
- QFileInfo file(full);
- bool isDir = file.isDir();
- QList <ContextHandler*>::const_iterator it;
- QMap <QAction*, ContextHandler*> actions;
- ContextHandler* handler;
- bool hasSeparator = false;
- for (it = m_contextHandlers.list().begin();
- it != m_contextHandlers.list().end(); ++it){
- handler = *it;
- if ((isDir && handler->m_fileType == ContextHandler::FT_FILE)
- || (!isDir && handler->m_fileType == ContextHandler::FT_DIR))
- continue;
- QString text = handler->m_text + " " + node;
- if (handler->intrinsicType() != ContextHandler::IT_UNDEF){
- if (!hasSeparator){
- hasSeparator = true;
- menu.addSeparator();
- }
- bool inSelection = false;
- int count = countSelectedRows(ui->tableWidget, currentRow,
- inSelection);
- if (inSelection)
- text = handler->m_text + tr(" %1 object(s)").arg(count);
- }
- actions.insert(menu.addAction(text), handler);
- }
- QAction* selectedItem = menu.exec(
- ui->tableWidget->viewport()->mapToGlobal(position));
- if (selectedItem != NULL){
- handler = *actions.find(selectedItem);
- switch (handler->intrinsicType()) {
- case ContextHandler::IT_COPY:
- handleCopyToClipboard(currentRow, full);
- break;
- case ContextHandler::IT_UNDEF:
- default:
- handleExternalCommand(handler, parent, full, node);
- break;
- }
- }
+ QMenu menu;
+ QString node = ui->tableWidget->item(currentRow, TC_NODE)->text();
+ QString parent = buildAbsPath(currentRow);
+ QString full = ReQStringUtil::pathAppend(parent, node);
+ QFileInfo file(full);
+ bool isDir = file.isDir();
+ QList <ContextHandler*>::const_iterator it;
+ QMap <QAction*, ContextHandler*> actions;
+ ContextHandler* handler;
+ bool hasSeparator = false;
+ for (it = m_contextHandlers.list().begin();
+ it != m_contextHandlers.list().end(); ++it){
+ handler = *it;
+ if ((isDir && handler->m_fileType == ContextHandler::FT_FILE)
+ || (!isDir && handler->m_fileType == ContextHandler::FT_DIR))
+ continue;
+ QString text = handler->m_text + " " + node;
+ if (handler->intrinsicType() != ContextHandler::IT_UNDEF){
+ if (!hasSeparator){
+ hasSeparator = true;
+ menu.addSeparator();
+ }
+ bool inSelection = false;
+ int count = countSelectedRows(ui->tableWidget, currentRow,
+ inSelection);
+ if (inSelection)
+ text = handler->m_text + tr(" %1 object(s)").arg(count);
+ }
+ actions.insert(menu.addAction(text), handler);
+ }
+ QAction* selectedItem = menu.exec(
+ ui->tableWidget->viewport()->mapToGlobal(position));
+ if (selectedItem != NULL){
+ handler = *actions.find(selectedItem);
+ switch (handler->intrinsicType()) {
+ case ContextHandler::IT_COPY:
+ handleCopyToClipboard(currentRow, full);
+ break;
+ case ContextHandler::IT_UNDEF:
+ default:
+ handleExternalCommand(handler, parent, full, node);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
void MainWindow::headerClicked(int col){
m_lastOrder =
- m_lastOrder == Qt::AscendingOrder ?
- Qt::DescendingOrder : Qt::AscendingOrder;
+ m_lastOrder == Qt::AscendingOrder ?
+ Qt::DescendingOrder : Qt::AscendingOrder;
ui->tableWidget->sortItems(col, m_lastOrder);
m_horizontalHeader->setSortIndicator(col, m_lastOrder);
void MainWindow::prepareContextMenu(){
- SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)),
- SLOT(handleTableContextMenu(const QPoint&)));
+ SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)),
+ SLOT(handleTableContextMenu(const QPoint&)));
QStringList patterns;
QString value = comboText(ui->comboBoxFilePatterns);
if (!value.isEmpty())
- patterns = value.split(",");
+ patterns = value.split(",");
value = comboText(ui->comboBoxExcludedDirs);
if (value.indexOf('/') >= 0 || value.indexOf('\\') >= 0)
- guiError(ui->comboBoxExcludedDirs, tr("no path delimiter allowed"));
+ guiError(ui->comboBoxExcludedDirs, tr("no path delimiter allowed"));
else if (value.indexOf('*') >= 0)
- guiError(ui->comboBoxExcludedDirs,
- tr("no patterns allowed. Do not use '*"));
+ guiError(ui->comboBoxExcludedDirs,
+ tr("no patterns allowed. Do not use '*"));
else if (!value.isEmpty())
- patterns = value.split(",");
+ patterns = value.split(",");
if (m_errors == 0){
- if (!comboText(ui->comboBoxTextPattern).isEmpty())
- finder.setTextFinder(&m_textFinder);
- m_statistics.clear();
- clock_t start = clock();
- finder.fillTable(path, 0, ui->tableWidget, m_statistics);
- m_statistics.m_runtimeSeconds = (double) (clock() - start)
- QString msg;
- msg.sprintf(
- QObject::tr(
- "Found: %d dir(s) and %d file(s) with %.6f MByte. Duration of the search: %.3f sec").toUtf8(),
- m_statistics.m_dirs, m_statistics.m_files,
- m_statistics.m_bytes / 1000000.0, m_statistics.m_runtimeSeconds);
- setStatusMessage(false, msg);
+ if (!comboText(ui->comboBoxTextPattern).isEmpty())
+ finder.setTextFinder(&m_textFinder);
+ m_statistics.clear();
+ clock_t start = clock();
+ finder.fillTable(path, 0, ui->tableWidget, m_statistics);
+ m_statistics.m_runtimeSeconds = (double) (clock() - start)
+ QString msg;
+ msg.sprintf(
+ QObject::tr(
+ "Found: %d dir(s) and %d file(s) with %.6f MByte. Duration of the search: %.3f sec").toUtf8(),
+ m_statistics.m_dirs, m_statistics.m_files,
+ m_statistics.m_bytes / 1000000.0, m_statistics.m_runtimeSeconds);
+ setStatusMessage(false, msg);
void MainWindow::setStatusMessage(bool error, const QString& message){
if (m_stdLabelBackgroundRole == NULL)
m_stdLabelBackgroundRole = new QPalette::ColorRole(
- m_statusMessage->backgroundRole());
+ m_statusMessage->backgroundRole());
error ? QPalette::HighlightedText : *m_stdLabelBackgroundRole);
if (dir.exists()){
if (dir.exists()){
- path = dir.absolutePath();
- ui->comboBoxDirectory->setEditText(path);
- setInHistory(ui->comboBoxDirectory, path);
+ path = dir.absolutePath();
+ ui->comboBoxDirectory->setEditText(path);
+ setInHistory(ui->comboBoxDirectory, path);
explicit MainWindow(const QString& startDir, const QString& homeDir,
- QWidget *parent = 0);
+ QWidget *parent = 0);
- void fileDragging();private slots:
+ void fileDragging();
+private slots:
void about();
void absPathToClipboard();
void baseDirToClipboard();
void exportToStream(QTextStream& stream, int maxRow = -1);
void handleCopyToClipboard(int currentRow, const QString& full);
void handleExternalCommand(ContextHandler* handler, const QString& parent,
- const QString& full, const QString& node);
+ const QString& full, const QString& node);
void handlePlaceholder(QComboBox* target);
void initializeHome();
void prepareTextFind();
QString replaceGlobalPlaceholders(QComboBox* combo,
- QMap <QString, QString>& placeholders);
+ QMap <QString, QString>& placeholders);
void restoreState();
virtual void setStatusMessage(bool error, const QString& message);
char* argv[2] = { (char*) "dummy", NULL };
int argc = 1;
QApplication a(argc, argv);
+ void testReStateStorage();
+ testReStateStorage();
void testReEdit();
--- /dev/null
+ * cuReStateStorage.cpp
+ *
+ * License: Public Domain
+ * You can use and modify this file without any restriction.
+ * Do what you want.
+ * No warranties and disclaimer of any damages.
+ * You also can use this license: http://www.wtfpl.net
+ * The latest sources: https://github.com/republib
+ */
+/** @file
+ * @brief Unit test of the ReStateStorage tools.
+ */
+#include "base/rebase.hpp"
+#include "gui/regui.hpp"
+ * @brief Unit test for <code>ReStateStorage</code>.
+ */
+class TestReStateStorage: public ReTest {
+ TestReStateStorage() :
+ ReTest("ReStateStorage") {
+ doIt();
+ }
+ void testBasic(){
+ QByteArray fn(ReFile::tempFile("state.basic.$$$.txt", NULL, true));
+ {
+ ReStateStorage store(fn);
+ store.setForm("singles");
+ store.store("int", "4711");
+ store.store("string", "\"with delimiters\"");
+ store.setForm("arrays");
+ store.store("int", "111", 0);
+ store.store("int", "222", 1);
+ store.store("string", "abc", 0);
+ store.store("string", "xyz", 1);
+ // no explicite close()
+ }
+ ReStateStorage store(fn);
+ store.setForm("singles");
+ checkEqu("4711", store.restore("int"));
+ checkEqu("\"with delimiters\"", store.restore("string"));
+ // unknown key:
+ checkEqu("", store.restore("unknown"));
+ store.setForm("arrays");
+ checkEqu("111", store.restore("int", 0));
+ checkEqu("222", store.restore("int", 1));
+ // unknown index:
+ checkEqu("", store.restore("int", 2));
+ checkEqu("abc", store.restore("string", 0));
+ checkEqu("xyz", store.restore("string", 1));
+ checkEqu("", store.restore("string", 2));
+ // unknown index:
+ store.close();
+ }
+ void testAddHistoryEntry(){
+ QByteArray fn(ReFile::tempFile("state.hist.$$$.txt", NULL, true));
+ {
+ ReStateStorage store(fn);
+ store.setForm("common");
+ store.addHistoryEntry("version", "v4", ';', 3);
+ store.addHistoryEntry("version", "v2", ';', 3);
+ // form as parameter:
+ store.setForm("disturbance");
+ store.addHistoryEntry("version", "v3", ';', 3, "common");
+ // move position of v2:
+ store.addHistoryEntry("version", "v2", ';', 3);
+ store.addHistoryEntry("version", "v1", ';', 3);
+ store.flushMap();
+ }
+ ReStateStorage store(fn);
+ QStringList list;
+ store.setForm("common");
+ checkEqu(3, store.historyAsList("version", list).size());
+ checkEqu("v1", list.at(0));
+ checkEqu("v2", list[1]);
+ checkEqu("v3", list[2]);
+ // wrong form:
+ store.setForm("nothing");
+ checkEqu(0, store.historyAsList("version", list).size());
+ // form as parameter:
+ checkEqu(3, store.historyAsList("version", list, "common").size());
+ }
+ virtual void run() {
+ testAddHistoryEntry();
+ testBasic();
+ }
+void testReStateStorage() {
+ TestReStateStorage test;
cuReQStringUtil.cpp \
cuReStringUtil.cpp \
cuReByteStorage.cpp \
- allTests.cpp \
cuReException.cpp \
../base/ReByteStorage.cpp \
../base/ReCharPtrMap.cpp \
../base/ReTerminator.cpp \
../base/ReTest.cpp \
../base/ReWriter.cpp \
+ ../gui/ReStateStorage.cpp \
+ ../gui/ReEdit.cpp \
cuReConfig.cpp \
cuReContainer.cpp \
cuReWriter.cpp \
cuReCharPtrMap.cpp \
cuReFile.cpp \
cuReEdit.cpp \
- ../gui/ReEdit.cpp
+ cuReStateStorage.cpp \
+ allTests.cpp
../base/ReFile.hpp \
../base/rebase.hpp \
- ../gui/ReEdit.hpp
+ ../gui/ReEdit.hpp
+ * Adds an entry to a history item at the first position.
+ *
+ * The entry will removed from the other positions.
+ *
+ * @param key the key in the map
+ * @param value the value to add
+ * @param separator separates the entries in the history item
+ * @param maxEntries the maximal count of entries in the history item.<br>
+ * If the number exceeds the last entries will be removed
+ * @param form the prefix of the key. If NULL the current form will be taken
+ */
+void ReStateStorage::addHistoryEntry(const char* key, const QString& value,
+ char separator, int maxEntries, const char* form) {
+ if (form != NULL)
+ setForm(form);
+ QByteArray key2;
+ if (!m_form.isEmpty())
+ key2 = m_form + ".";
+ key2.append(key);
+ QString values;
+ QStringList listValues;
+ // Note: the first entry remains empty:
+ // the first char of the join is a separator
+ if (!m_map.contains(key2))
+ listValues.append("");
+ else {
+ values = m_map[key2];
+ listValues = values.split(values[0]);
+ }
+ listValues.insert(1, value);
+ for (int ix = listValues.size() - 1; ix > 1; ix--) {
+ if (ix > maxEntries || listValues[ix] == value) {
+ listValues.removeAt(ix);
+ }
+ }
+ values = listValues.join(separator);
+ m_map.insert(key2, values);
+ * Returns a history item as a list.
+ *
+ * @param key key of the history item
+ * @param list OUT: the list is filled with the history entries
+ * @param form a common prefix of the key. If NULL the current form is used
+ * @return <code>list</code> (for chaining)
+ */
+QStringList& ReStateStorage::historyAsList(const char* key, QStringList& list,
+ const char* form) {
+ list.clear();
+ if (form != NULL)
+ setForm(form);
+ QString history = restore(key);
+ if (!history.isEmpty()) {
+ QChar separator = history[0];
+ history = history.mid(1);
+ if (!history.isEmpty())
+ list = history.split(separator);
+ }
+ return list;
* Closes open stream/file and frees the resources.
+ * Writes the content of the map into the file.
+ */
+void ReStateStorage::flushMap() {
+ initForWrite();
+ QMap<QByteArray, QString>::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = m_map.constBegin(); it != m_map.constEnd(); ++it) {
+ *m_stream << it.key() << "=" << it.value() << endl;
+ }
+ m_stream->flush();
+ * Returns the name of the current form.
+ *
+ * @return the name of the current form
+ */
+const QByteArray& ReStateStorage::form() const {
+ return m_form;
+ * Returns the full name of a widget.
+ *
+ * @param name the name of the widget
+ * @return <form name> '.' <name> or <name> (if no form name is set)
+ */
+QByteArray ReStateStorage::fullname(const char* name) {
+ QByteArray rc;
+ if (!m_form.isEmpty())
+ rc.append(m_form).append(".");
+ rc.append(name);
+ return rc;
* Initializes the instance for writing the storage information.
int ixAssignment = line.indexOf('=');
if (ixAssignment > 0) {
value = line.mid(ixAssignment + 1);
- QString key = line.mid(0, ixAssignment);
+ QByteArray key = line.mid(0, ixAssignment).toUtf8();
m_map.insert(key, value);
m_stream = new QTextStream(m_fp, QIODevice::ReadWrite);
return m_stream != NULL;
- * Returns the name of the current form.
- *
- * @return the name of the current form
- */
-QString ReStateStorage::form() const {
- return m_form;
- * Returns the full name of a widget.
- *
- * @param name the name of the widget
- * @return <form name> '.' <name> or <name> (if no form name is set)
- */
-QString ReStateStorage::fullname(const QString& name) {
- return m_form.isEmpty() ? name : m_form + "." + name;
- * Sets the name of the current form.
- *
- * @param form the name of the current form
- */
-void ReStateStorage::setForm(const QString& form) {
- m_form = form;
* Restores the data of a combobox.
* @param name the name of the combobox
* @param withCurrentText <code>true</code>: the current text will be set too
-void ReStateStorage::restore(QComboBox* combo, const QString& name,
+void ReStateStorage::restore(QComboBox* combo, const char* name,
bool withCurrentText) {
if (initForRead()) {
- QString keyPrefix = fullname(name) + ".item";
+ QByteArray keyPrefix = fullname(name) + ".item";
int ix = 0;
- QString key;
+ QByteArray key;
while (true) {
- key = keyPrefix + QString::number(ix);
+ key = keyPrefix + QByteArray::number(ix);
if (!m_map.contains(key))
* @return "": not found<br>
* otherwise: the stored value of the variable
-QString ReStateStorage::restore(const QString& name, int index) {
+QString ReStateStorage::restore(const char* name, int index) {
QString rc;
if (initForRead()) {
- QString key(name);
+ QByteArray key(fullname(name));
if (index >= 0)
key += QString::number(index);
if (m_map.contains(key))
return rc;
+ * Sets the name of the current form.
+ *
+ * @param form the name of the current form
+ */
+void ReStateStorage::setForm(const char* form) {
+ m_form = form;
* Stores the data of a combobox.
* @param name the name of the combobox
* @param withCurrentText <code>true</code>: the current text will be saved too
-void ReStateStorage::store(const QComboBox* combo, const QString& name,
+void ReStateStorage::store(const QComboBox* combo, const char* name,
bool withCurrentText) {
if (initForWrite()) {
- QString fullname;
- if (!m_form.isEmpty())
- fullname = m_form + ".";
- fullname += name;
+ QByteArray key(fullname(name));
for (int ii = 0; ii < combo->count(); ii++) {
- *m_stream << fullname << ".item" << ii << "=" << combo->itemText(ii)
+ *m_stream << key << ".item" << ii << "=" << combo->itemText(ii)
<< endl;
if (withCurrentText) {
- *m_stream << fullname << ".text=" << combo->currentText() << endl;
+ *m_stream << key << ".text=" << combo->currentText() << endl;
* Stores the data of a combobox.
- * @param combo the combobox to store
- * @param name the name of the combobox
- * @param withCurrentText <code>true</code>: the current text will be saved too
+ * @param name the key of the key-value-pair. May be extended by <code>m_form</code>
+ * @param value the value to store
-void ReStateStorage::store(const QString& name, const QString& value,
- int index) {
+void ReStateStorage::store(const char* name, const QString& value, int index) {
if (initForWrite()) {
- QString key(name);
+ QByteArray key(fullname(name));
if (index >= 0)
key += QString::number(index);
*m_stream << key << "=" << value << endl;
ReStateStorage(const QString& filename);
virtual ~ReStateStorage();
+ void addHistoryEntry(const char* key, const QString& value, char separator,
+ int maxEntries, const char* form = NULL);
void close();
- QString form() const;
- QString fullname(const QString& name);
+ void flushMap();
+ const QByteArray& form() const;
+ QByteArray fullname(const char* name);
+ QStringList& historyAsList(const char* key, QStringList& list,
+ const char* form = NULL);
bool initForRead();
bool initForWrite();
- void restore(QComboBox* combo, const QString& name, bool withCurrentText =
+ /** Returns the map containing the storage content.
+ * @return the map
+ */
+ QMap<QByteArray, QString>& map() {
+ return m_map;
+ }
+ void restore(QComboBox* combo, const char* name, bool withCurrentText =
- QString restore(const QString& name, int index = -1);
- void setForm(const QString& form);
- void store(const QComboBox* combo, const QString& name,
- bool withCurrentText = true);
- void store(const QString& name, const QString& value, int index = -1);
+ QString restore(const char* name, int index = -1);
+ void setForm(const char* form);
+ void store(const QComboBox* combo, const char* name, bool withCurrentText =
+ true);
+ void store(const char* name, const QString& value, int index = -1);
QString m_filename;
FILE* m_fp;
QTextStream* m_stream;
- QString m_form;
- QMap<QString, QString> m_map;
+ QByteArray m_form;
+ QMap<QByteArray, QString> m_map;