const char* ReDirTools::m_version = "2015.01.03";
static const char* s_empty[] = { NULL };
-static const char* s_standardFilterUsage[] = {
- "-D<n> or --max-depth=<n> Default: 512",
- " the depth of the subdirectory is lower or equal <n>",
- " 0: search is done only in the base directory",
- "-d<n> or --min-depth=<n> Default: 0",
- " the depth of the subdirectory is greater or equal <n>",
- " 0: search is done in all subdirectories",
- "-o<v> or --older-than=<v>",
- " the modification date is older than <v>",
- " <v> is a date (e.g. 2015.02.17) or number followed by an unit",
- " units: m(inutes) h(hours), d(days). Default: m(inutes)",
- " examples: -o25 --older-than=30d -o24h -o2009.3.2/12:00 -o1999.01.01",
- "-q or --quiet",
- " no additional information like runtime",
- "-P<p> or --pathname-pattern=<p>",
- " a list of patterns for the path (without basename) separated by ';'",
- " Each pattern can contain '*' as wildcard",
- " If the first character is '^' the pattern is a 'not pattern':"
- " A directory will be entered if at least one of the positive patterns",
- " and none of the 'not patterns' matches",
- " examples: '*;^*/.git/' '*/cache/;*/temp/",
- "-p<p> or --basename-pattern=<p>",
- " a list of patterns for the basename (filename without path) separated by ';'",
- " Each pattern can contain '*' as wildcard",
- " If the first character is '^' the pattern is a 'not pattern':"
- " A file will be found if at least one of the positive patterns and none",
- " of the 'not patterns' matches",
- " examples: '*.cpp;*.hpp;Make*' '*;^*.bak;^*~",
- "-t<n> or --trace-interval=<n> Default: 0",
- " all <n> seconds the current path will be traced",
- " 0: no trace",
- "-t<l> or --type=<l>",
- " the file type",
- " <l> is a list of <v> values:",
- " <v>: b(lock) c(har) d(irectory) (l)i(nkdir) l(ink) o(ther)",
- " p(ipe) s(ocket) r(egular)",
- " <v>-sets: S(pecial)=bcspo N(ondir)=Slr",
- " examples: -td --type=dr -tNi",
- "-y<v> or --younger-than=<v>",
- " the modification date is younger than <v>",
- " <v> is a date (e.g. 2015.02.17) or number followed by an unit",
- " units: m(inutes) h(hours), d(days). Default: m(inutes)",
- " examples: -y25 --younger-than=30d -y1999.12.31",
- "-Z<v> or --max-size=<v>",
- " the filesize is greater or equal <v>",
- " <v> is a number followed by an unit",
- " units: k(Byte) K(iByte) m(Byte), M(iByte), g(Byte) G(iByte)",
- " example: -Z50m --max-size=1G",
- "-z<n> or --min-size=<n>",
- " the filesize is greater or equal <n>",
- " <v> is a number followed by an unit",
- " units: k(Byte) K(iByte) m(Byte), M(iByte), g(Byte) G(iByte)",
- " example: -z50m --min-size=1G",
const char* s_listUsage[] = {
"<command>: list",
" lists the metadata (size, modification date ...) of the selected files",
" n: shows the summery of each subdir until level <n> and the total",
" default: 1",
- "-q or --quiet",
- " does not show additional information, e.g. runtime",
- "-t<n> or --trace-interval=<n>",
- " trace the current path every <n> seconds.",
- " If n<=0: no trace. Default: 60",
- "-k or --kbyte",
- " output is '<kbyte> path' (like du)",
const char* s_statisticExamples[] = {
- "Examples:",
"dirtool st -q -t0 e:\\windows",
"dirtool statistic --quiet --kbyte --trace-interval=60 ../mail 2",
"dirtool stat -q --kbyte d:data 2",
* Adds the standard filter options.
void ReDirOptions::addStandardFilterOptions(){
- m_programArgs.addInt("maxdepth", "maximal subdir depth", 'D', "max-depth", 512);
- m_programArgs.addInt("mindepth", "minimal subdir depth", 'd', "min-depth", 512);
- m_programArgs.addString("older", "older than", 'o', "older-than", false, NULL);
- m_programArgs.addString("nodepattern", "pattern list for the basename", 'p', "basename-pattern", false, NULL);
- m_programArgs.addString("pathpattern", "pattern list for the path", 'P', "path-pattern", false, NULL);
- m_programArgs.addBool("quiet", "suppress additional info", 'q', "quiet", false);
- m_programArgs.addInt("trace", "trace interval", 'T', "trace-interval", 0);
- m_programArgs.addString("type", "file type", 't', "type", false, NULL);
- m_programArgs.addString("younger", "younger than", 'y', "younger-than", false, NULL);
- m_programArgs.addString("maxsize", "maximal filesize", 'Z', "max-size", false, NULL);
- m_programArgs.addString("minsize", "minimal filesize", 'z', "min-size", false, NULL);
+ m_programArgs.addInt("maxdepth",
+ i18n("the depth of the subdirectory is lower or equal <number>\n"
+ "0: search is done only in the base directory"),
+ 'D', "max-depth", 512);
+ m_programArgs.addInt("mindepth",
+ i18n("the depth of the subdirectory is greater or equal <number>\n"
+ "0: search is done in all subdirectories"),
+ 'd', "min-depth", 512);
+ m_programArgs.addString("older",
+ i18n("the modification date is older than <string>\n"
+ "<string> is a date (e.g. 2015.02.17) or number followed by an unit\n"
+ "units: m(inutes) h(hours), d(days). Default: m(inutes)\n"
+ "examples: -o25 --older-than=30d -o24h -o2009.3.2/12:00 -o1999.01.01"),
+ 'o', "older-than", false, NULL);
+ m_programArgs.addString("pathpattern",
+ i18n("a list of patterns for the path (without basename) separated by ';'\n"
+ "Each pattern can contain '*' as wildcard\n"
+ "If the first character is '^' the pattern is a 'not pattern':\n"
+ "A directory will be entered if at least one of the positive patterns\n"
+ "and none of the 'not patterns' matches\n"
+ "examples: '*;^*/.git/' '*/cache/;*/temp/"),
+ 'P', "path-pattern", false, NULL);
+ m_programArgs.addString("nodepattern",
+ i18n("a list of patterns for the basename (name without path) separated by ';'\n"
+ "Each pattern can contain '*' as wildcard\n"
+ "If the first character is '^' the pattern is a 'not pattern':\n"
+ "A file will be found if at least one of the positive patterns and none\n"
+ "of the 'not patterns' matches\n"
+ "examples: '*.cpp;*.hpp;Make*' '*;^*.bak;^*~"),
+ 'p', "basename-pattern", false, NULL);
+ m_programArgs.addBool("quiet",
+ i18n("no additional information like runtime"),
+ 'q', "quiet", false);
+ m_programArgs.addInt("trace",
+ i18n("all <number> seconds the current path will be traced\n"
+ "0: no trace"),
+ 'T', "trace-interval", 0);
+ m_programArgs.addString("type",
+ i18n("the file type\n"
+ "<string> is a list of <v> values:\n"
+ "<v>: b(lock) c(har) d(irectory) (l)i(nkdir) l(ink) o(ther)\n"
+ " p(ipe) s(ocket) r(egular)\n"
+ "<v>-sets: S(pecial)=bcspo N(ondir)=Slr\n"
+ "examples: -td --type=dr -tNi"),
+ 't', "type", false, NULL);
+ m_programArgs.addString("younger",
+ i18n("the modification date is younger than <string>\n"
+ "<string> is a date (e.g. 2015.02.17) or number followed by an unit\n"
+ "units: m(inutes) h(hours), d(days). Default: m(inutes)"),
+ 'y', "younger-than", false, NULL);
+ m_programArgs.addString("maxsize",
+ i18n("the filesize is greater or equal <string>\n"
+ "<string> is a number followed by an unit\n"
+ "units: b(yte) k(Byte) K(iByte) m(Byte), M(iByte), g(Byte) G(iByte)\n"
+ "examples: -Z50m --max-size=1G"),
+ 'Z', "max-size", false, NULL);
+ m_programArgs.addString("minsize",
+ i18n("the filesize is greater or equal <string>\n"
+ "<string> is a number followed by an unit\n"
+ "units: b(yte) k(Byte) K(iByte) m(Byte), M(iByte), g(Byte) G(iByte)\n"
+ "examples: -z50m --min-size=1G"),
+ 'z', "min-size", false, NULL);
void ReDirOptions::help(const char* errorMessage, const char* message2 ){
- ReByteBuffer msg(errorMessage, -1);
+ ReByteBuffer msg;
+ if (errorMessage != 0)
+ msg.append(errorMessage, -1);
if (message2 != NULL)
msg.append(message2, -1);, false, stdout);
* Constructor.
ReDirStatistic::ReDirStatistic(int deltaList, int deltaBuffer) :
+ ReDirOptions(s_statisticUsage, s_statisticExamples),
m_list(deltaList, deltaBuffer),
+ m_programArgs.addBool("quiet",
+ i18n("does not show additional information, e.g. runtime"),
+ 'q', "quiet", false);
+ m_programArgs.addBool("kbyte",
+ i18n("output is '<kbyte> <path>' (like unix 'du' command)"),
+ 'k', "kbyte", false);
+ m_programArgs.addInt("trace",
+ i18n("trace the current path every <number> seconds.\n"
+ "0: no trace"),
+ 't', "trace-interval", 60);
* Destructor.
+ * Build the statistic and print the results.
+ *
+ * @param arc count of arguments in <code>argv</code>
+ * @param argv the program arguments.
+ */
+void ReDirStatistic::run(int argc, char* argv[]){
+ time_t start = time(NULL);
+ try {
+ m_programArgs.init(argc, argv);
+ if (m_programArgs.getArgCount() < 1)
+"statistic: missing path", false, stdout);
+ int depth = 1;
+ if (m_programArgs.getArgCount() > 1)
+ depth = atol(m_programArgs.getArg(1));
+ ReDirStatistic statistic;
+ statistic.setTraceInterval(m_programArgs.getInt("trace"));
+ void (*proc) (const ReDirStatisticData& data,
+ ReDirStatistic& parent, ReByteBuffer& line) = &formatWithSizeFilesAndDirs;
+ if (m_programArgs.getBool("kbyte"))
+ proc = &formatLikeDu;
+ const ReStringList& list = statistic.calculate(m_programArgs.getArg(0), depth, proc);
+ ReByteBuffer buffer;
+ for (size_t ix = 0; ix < list.count(); ix++){
+ buffer.set(list.strOf(ix), list.strLengthOf(ix));
+ printf("%s\n", buffer.str());
+ }
+ if (! m_programArgs.getBool("quiet")){
+ int duration = int(time(NULL) - start);
+ printf("Duration: ");
+ if (duration >= 3600)
+ printf("%d:", duration / 3600);
+ printf("%02d:%02d\n", duration % 3600 / 60, duration % 60);
+ }
+ } catch (ReOptionException& exc) {
+, false, stdout);
+ }
* Calculates the statistic of a directory tree.
* Prints an message how to use the statistic module and exits.
void ReDirTools::statisticUsage(){
- printField(s_statisticUsage);
- printField(s_statisticExamples);
+ ReDirStatistic statistic;
+ statistic.programArgs().help(NULL, false, stdout);
* Constructor.
ReDirList::ReDirList() :
- ReDirOptions(s_empty, s_listExamples)
+ ReDirOptions(s_listUsage, s_listExamples)
+ m_programArgs.addBool("short", i18n("output is only path and basename"),
+ '1', "--short", false);
- initCompoundUsage(sizeof s_listUsage + sizeof s_standardFilterUsage);
- addCompoundUsage(s_listUsage);
- addCompoundUsage(s_standardFilterUsage);
- m_programArgs.setUsage(m_compoundUsage);
time_t start = time(NULL);
m_programArgs.init(argc, argv);
bool verbose = ! m_programArgs.getBool("quiet");
+ bool shortOutput = m_programArgs.getBool("short");
if (m_programArgs.getArgCount() == 0)
help(i18n("no arguments given (missing path)"));
sumSizes += entry->fileSize();
- if (! printOneFile(entry))
- printf("%s %12.6f %s %02x %s%s\n",
- entry->rightsAsString(bufferRights), entry->fileSize() / 1E6,
- entry->filetimeAsString(bufferTime),
- entry->type(),
- entry->m_path.str(), entry->node());
+ if (! printOneFile(entry)){
+ if (shortOutput)
+ printf("%s%s\n", entry->m_path.str(), entry->node());
+ else
+ printf("%s %12.6f %s %02x %s%s\n",
+ entry->rightsAsString(bufferRights),
+ entry->fileSize() / 1E6,
+ entry->filetimeAsString(bufferTime),
+ entry->type(),
+ entry->m_path.str(), entry->node());
+ }
if (verbose){
lister.list(argc, argv);
+ * Tests whether a abrevation of an argument is given.
+ * @param full the full name
+ * @param part the part to test
+ * @return <code>true</code>: part is a prefix of full
+ */
+static bool isArg(const char* full, const char* part){
+ ReByteBuffer fullArg(full);
+ bool rc = fullArg.startsWith(part, -1);
+ return rc;
- * Gets the arguments for the "statistic" command and execute this.
+ * Gets the arguments for the "help" command and execute this.
* @param argc the number of arguments
* @param argav the argument vector
-void ReDirTools::statistic(int argc, char* argv[]){
- time_t start = time(NULL);
- ReProgramArgs args(s_statisticUsage, s_statisticExamples);
- args.addBool("quiet", "no additional information", 'q', "quiet", false);
- args.addBool("kbyte", "output is '<kbyte> <path>'", 'k', "kbyte", false);
- args.addInt("trace", "trace each <n> seconds the current path", 't', "trace-interval", 60);
- try {
- args.init(argc, argv);
- if (args.getArgCount() < 1)
- usage("statistic: missing path");
- int depth = 1;
- if (args.getArgCount() > 1)
- depth = atol(args.getArg(1));
- ReDirStatistic statistic;
- statistic.setTraceInterval(args.getInt("trace"));
- void (*proc) (const ReDirStatisticData& data,
- ReDirStatistic& parent, ReByteBuffer& line) = &formatWithSizeFilesAndDirs;
- if (args.getBool("kbyte"))
- proc = &formatLikeDu;
- const ReStringList& list = statistic.calculate(args.getArg(0), depth, proc);
- ReByteBuffer buffer;
- for (size_t ix = 0; ix < list.count(); ix++){
- buffer.set(list.strOf(ix), list.strLengthOf(ix));
- printf("%s\n", buffer.str());
- }
- if (! args.getBool("quiet")){
- int duration = int(time(NULL) - start);
- printf("Duration: ");
- if (duration >= 3600)
- printf("%d:", duration / 3600);
- printf("%02d:%02d\n", duration % 3600 / 60, duration % 60);
- }
- } catch (ReOptionException& exc) {
- usage(exc.getMessage());
+void ReDirTools::help(int argc, char* argv[]){
+ if (argc < 1)
+ printField(s_helpSummary);
+ else {
+ argc--;
+ argv++;
+ const char* arg0 = argv[0];
+ if (isArg("list", arg0)){
+ ReDirList list;
+ } else if (isArg("help", arg0))
+ printField(s_helpSummary);
+ else if (isArg("statistic", arg0)){
+ ReDirStatistic stat;
+ } else if (isArg("test", arg0)){
+ void testAll();
+ testAll();
+ } else
+ printf("+++ unknown sub command: %s\n", arg0);
- * Tests whether a abrevation of an argument is given.
- * @param full the full name
- * @param part the part to test
- * @return <code>true</code>: part is a prefix of full
+ * Gets the arguments for the "statistic" command and execute this.
+ *
+ * @param argc the number of arguments
+ * @param argav the argument vector
-static bool isArg(const char* full, const char* part){
- ReByteBuffer fullArg(full);
- bool rc = fullArg.startsWith(part, -1);
- return rc;
+void ReDirTools::statistic(int argc, char* argv[]){
* Gets the arguments for any command and execute this.
if (isArg("list", arg0))
tools.list(argc, argv);
else if (isArg("help", arg0))
- printField(s_helpSummary);
+, argv);
else if (isArg("statistic", arg0))
tools.statistic(argc, argv);
else if (isArg("test", arg0)){