+ * Processes the dragging operation of the selected files in the table widget.
+ */
+void MainWindow::fileDragging(){
+ QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this);
+ QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData;
+ QList < QUrl > urls;
+ QList < QTableWidgetSelectionRange > ranges =
+ ui->tableWidget->selectedRanges();
+ QList <QTableWidgetSelectionRange>::iterator it;
+ int files = 0;
+ int dirs = 0;
+ bool isDir = false;
+ for (it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it){
+ for (int row = (*it).topRow(); row <= (*it).bottomRow(); row++){
+ isDir = cellAsText(row, TC_SIZE).isEmpty();
+ QUrl url(buildAbsPath(row, true));
+ urls.append(url);
+ if (isDir)
+ dirs++;
+ else
+ files++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (urls.size() > 0){
+ mimeData->setUrls(urls);
+ drag->setMimeData(mimeData);
+ QPixmap image(200, 30);
+ QPainter painter(&image);
+ QString msg;
+ if (urls.size() == 1)
+ msg = tr("copy ") + ReQStringUtil::nodeOf(urls.at(0).toString());
+ else if (files > 0 && dirs > 0)
+ msg = tr("copy %1 file(s) and %2 dir(s)").arg(files).arg(dirs);
+ else if (files > 0)
+ msg = tr("copy %1 file(s)").arg(files);
+ else
+ msg = tr("copy %1 dirs(s)").arg(dirs);
+ painter.fillRect(image.rect(), Qt::white);
+ painter.drawText(10, 20, msg);
+ drag->setPixmap(image);
+ Qt::DropAction dropAction = drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction);
+ }
* Handles the push of "select file placeholder".
+ * Handle the "copy to clipboard" entry from the context menu.
+ *
+ * @param currentRow the row where the context menu is called
+ * @param full the full name of the current row
+ */
+void MainWindow::handleCopyToClipboard(int currentRow, const QString& full){
+ QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData;
+ QList < QUrl > urls;
+ bool isInSelection = false;
+ QList < QTableWidgetSelectionRange > ranges =
+ ui->tableWidget->selectedRanges();
+ QList <QTableWidgetSelectionRange>::iterator it;
+ QString textList;
+ textList.reserve(ui->tableWidget->rowCount() * 80);
+ for (it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it){
+ for (int row = (*it).topRow(); row <= (*it).bottomRow(); row++){
+ isInSelection = isInSelection || row == currentRow;
+ QString name(buildAbsPath(row, true));
+ QUrl url(name);
+ textList += name + '\n';
+ urls.append(url);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isInSelection){
+ urls.clear();
+ urls.append(QUrl(full));
+ textList = full;
+ }
+ mimeData->setUrls(urls);
+ mimeData->setText(textList);
+ QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
+ clipboard->setMimeData(mimeData);
+ setStatusMessage(false,
+ tr("%1 entry/entries copied to clipboard").arg(urls.length()));
+ * Starts an external command given by the context menu for the selected file.
+ *
+ * @param handler the info about the external program_invocation_short_name
+ * @param parent the path of the file
+ * @param full the full file name
+ * @param node the file name without path
+ */
+void MainWindow::handleExternalCommand(ContextHandler* handler,
+ const QString& parent, const QString& full, const QString& node){
+ QString arguments = handler->m_arguments;
+ QString dir;
+ switch (handler->m_directoryMode) {
+ case ContextHandler::DM_TO_PARENT:
+ dir = parent;
+ break;
+ case ContextHandler::DM_TO_FILE:
+ dir = full;
+ break;
+ default:
+ dir = ui->comboBoxDirectory->currentText();
+ break;
+ }
+ QMap < QString, QString > placeholders;
+ placeholders.insert("full", full);
+ placeholders.insert("node", node);
+ placeholders.insert("path", parent);
+ placeholders.insert("ext", ReQStringUtil::extensionOf(node));
+ QString error;
+ QStringList args = arguments.split(' ');
+ bool hasErrors = false;
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < args.size(); ix++){
+ QString arg = args.at(ix);
+ if (!ReQStringUtil::replacePlaceholders(arg, placeholders, &error)){
+ guiError(NULL, error);
+ hasErrors = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ args.replace(ix, arg);
+ }
+ if (!hasErrors){
+ QProcess::startDetached(handler->m_program, args, dir, NULL);
+ setStatusMessage(false,
+ tr("started:") + " " + handler->m_program + " " + arguments);
+ }
* Handles the global placeholder selection dialog.
target->setCurrentText(target->currentText() + dialog.var());
+ * Count the selected rows of a tableWidget and tests whether a given row is in the selection.
+ *
+ * @param table the table to test
+ * @param currentRow -1 or the row which will be tested whether it is a member of the selection
+ * @param isInSelection OUT: true: currentRow is a member of the selected rows
+ *
+ * @return the number of selected rows
+ */
+static int countSelectedRows(QTableWidget* table, int currentRow,
+ bool& isInSelection){
+ int rc = 0;
+ isInSelection = false;
+ QList < QTableWidgetSelectionRange > ranges = table->selectedRanges();
+ QList <QTableWidgetSelectionRange>::iterator it;
+ for (it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it){
+ for (int row = (*it).topRow(); row <= (*it).bottomRow(); row++){
+ isInSelection = isInSelection || row == currentRow;
+ rc++;
+ }
+ }
+ return rc;
* Handles the request of a context menu of the result table.
* @param position the position of a mouse click
void MainWindow::handleTableContextMenu(const QPoint& position){
- int row = ui->tableWidget->rowAt(position.y());
- if (row >= 0){
+ int currentRow = ui->tableWidget->rowAt(position.y());
+ if (currentRow >= 0){
QMenu menu;
- QString node = ui->tableWidget->item(row, TC_NODE)->text();
- QString parent = buildAbsPath(row);
+ QString node = ui->tableWidget->item(currentRow, TC_NODE)->text();
+ QString parent = buildAbsPath(currentRow);
QString full = ReQStringUtil::pathAppend(parent, node);
QFileInfo file(full);
bool isDir = file.isDir();
QList <ContextHandler*>::const_iterator it;
QMap <QAction*, ContextHandler*> actions;
ContextHandler* handler;
+ bool hasSeparator = false;
for (it = m_contextHandlers.list().begin();
it != m_contextHandlers.list().end(); ++it){
handler = *it;
|| (!isDir && handler->m_fileType == ContextHandler::FT_DIR))
QString text = handler->m_text + " " + node;
+ if (handler->intrinsicType() != ContextHandler::IT_UNDEF){
+ if (!hasSeparator){
+ hasSeparator = true;
+ menu.addSeparator();
+ }
+ bool inSelection = false;
+ int count = countSelectedRows(ui->tableWidget, currentRow,
+ inSelection);
+ if (inSelection)
+ text = handler->m_text + tr(" %1 object(s)").arg(count);
+ }
actions.insert(menu.addAction(text), handler);
QAction* selectedItem = menu.exec(
if (selectedItem != NULL){
handler = *actions.find(selectedItem);
- QString arguments = handler->m_arguments;
- QString dir;
- switch (handler->m_directoryMode) {
- case ContextHandler::DM_TO_PARENT:
- dir = parent;
- break;
- case ContextHandler::DM_TO_FILE:
- dir = full;
+ switch (handler->intrinsicType()) {
+ case ContextHandler::IT_COPY:
+ handleCopyToClipboard(currentRow, full);
+ case ContextHandler::IT_UNDEF:
- dir = ui->comboBoxDirectory->currentText();
+ handleExternalCommand(handler, parent, full, node);
- QMap < QString, QString > placeholders;
- placeholders.insert("full", full);
- placeholders.insert("node", node);
- placeholders.insert("path", parent);
- placeholders.insert("ext", ReQStringUtil::extensionOf(node));
- QString error;
- QStringList args = arguments.split(' ');
- bool hasErrors = false;
- for (int ix = 0; ix < args.size(); ix++){
- QString arg = args.at(ix);
- if (!ReQStringUtil::replacePlaceholders(arg, placeholders, &error)){
- guiError(NULL, error);
- hasErrors = true;
- break;
- }
- args.replace(ix, arg);
- }
- if (!hasErrors){
- QProcess::startDetached(handler->m_program, args, dir, NULL);
- setStatusMessage(false,
- tr("started:") + " " + handler->m_program + " " + arguments);
- }
* Handles the event "header column clicked".
- * Processes the dragging operation of the selected files in the table widget.
- */
-void MainWindow::fileDragging(){
- QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this);
- QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData;
- QList < QUrl > urls;
- QList < QTableWidgetSelectionRange > ranges =
- ui->tableWidget->selectedRanges();
- QList <QTableWidgetSelectionRange>::iterator it;
- int files = 0;
- int dirs = 0;
- bool isDir = false;
- for (it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it){
- for (int row = (*it).topRow(); row <= (*it).bottomRow(); row++){
- isDir = cellAsText(row, TC_SIZE).isEmpty();
- QUrl url(buildAbsPath(row, true));
- urls.append(url);
- if (isDir)
- dirs++;
- else
- files++;
- }
- }
- if (urls.size() > 0){
- mimeData->setUrls(urls);
- drag->setMimeData(mimeData);
- QPixmap image(200, 30);
- QPainter painter(&image);
- QString msg;
- if (urls.size() == 1)
- msg = tr("copy ") + ReQStringUtil::nodeOf(urls.at(0).toString());
- else if (files > 0 && dirs > 0)
- msg = tr("copy %1 file(s) and %2 dir(s)").arg(files).arg(dirs);
- else if (files > 0)
- msg = tr("copy %1 file(s)").arg(files);
- else
- msg = tr("copy %1 dirs(s)").arg(dirs);
- painter.fillRect(image.rect(), Qt::white);
- painter.drawText(10, 20, msg);
- drag->setPixmap(image);
- Qt::DropAction dropAction = drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction);
- }
* Prepares the context menu of the result table.
+ * Builds the hash with the global placeholders with their current values.
+ *
+ * @param hash IN/OUT: the placeholders will be appended here
+ */
void MainWindow::buildGlobalPlaceholders(QMap <QString, QString>& hash){
hash.insert("filepatterns", ui->comboBoxFilePatterns->currentText());
- * Replaces placeholders valid in header and footer.
+ * Replaces the placeholders valid in header and footer.
* @param text the text to convert
* @return <code>text</code> with the esc sequences replaced