void main(List<String> args) {}
class I18nTextParser {
+ final globalModule = '!global';
+ final errorModule = '!error';
final BaseLogger logger;
- final modules = <String, Map<String, String>>{};
+ final mapModules = <String, Map<String, String>>{};
+ final mapPlurals = <String, Map<String, PluralValue>>{};
final foundFiles = <String>{};
var regExpFiles = RegExp(r'.dart$');
String currentModule = '';
final moduleVariables = <String, String>{};
String currentFile = '';
+ String currentArguments = '';
List<String> lines = [];
int currentLineNo = 0;
+ int currentIxLines = 0;
// ...........................1.............1.........2
final regExpModule =
RegExp(r'''(\w+) = (I18N\(\)|i18N)\.module\(["'](.*?)['"]\);''');
final regExpDelimiter = RegExp(r'''["']''');
// ..........1.............1..2..............................2
- final regExpText =
- RegExp(r'(i18N|I18N\(\))\.(tr|trPlural|trMulti|trWithArgs)\(');
+ final regExpText = RegExp(r'(i18N|I18N\(\))\.(tr|ntr|trMulti|trArgs)\(');
final regExpStringConstant = RegExp(r'''^\s*(r?)(["'])(.*?)\2''');
final regExpVariable = RegExp(r'^\w+');
final regExpEmptyString = RegExp(r'^\s*$');
- I18nTextParser(this.logger);
+ RegExpMatch? currentMatch;
- /// Gets the text (multiple lines) from the [arguments].
- /// [arguments] is the string behind the 'trMulti('.
- void handleMultiText(String arguments) {
- logger.error('not implemented: trMulti()');
- }
+ I18nTextParser(this.logger);
- /// Gets the text (multiple lines) from the [arguments] .
- /// [arguments] is the string behind the 'trPlural('.
- void handlePluralText(String arguments) {
- logger.error('not implemented: trPlural()');
+ /// Handles the state if the [currentArguments] is empty: it will be updated
+ /// by the next line.
+ void handleEmptyArgument() {
+ if (regExpEmptyString.firstMatch(currentArguments) != null) {
+ currentArguments = currentIxLines >= lines.length
+ ? ''
+ : lines[currentIxLines++].trimLeft();
+ }
- /// Gets the text (single line) from the [arguments] and store it.
- /// [arguments] is the string behind the 'tr('.
- void handleSimpleText(String arguments) {
- RegExpMatch? match;
- String module = '!global';
- int lineNo = currentLineNo;
- if (regExpEmptyString.firstMatch(arguments) != null) {
- arguments = lineNo >= lines.length ? '' : lines[lineNo++].trimLeft();
- }
- String? key;
- if ((match = regExpStringConstant.firstMatch(arguments)) != null) {
- key = match?.group(3);
- arguments = arguments.substring(match!.end).trimLeft();
- if (arguments.startsWith(',')) {
- arguments = arguments.substring(1).trimLeft();
- if (arguments.isEmpty) {
- arguments = lineNo >= lines.length ? '' : lines[lineNo++].trimLeft();
- }
- if ((match = regExpStringConstant.firstMatch(arguments)) != null) {
- module = match!.group(3)!;
- } else if ((match = regExpVariable.firstMatch(arguments)) != null) {
- final variable = match!.group(0);
+ String handleModuleArgument() {
+ String module = globalModule;
+ if (hasComma()) {
+ handleEmptyArgument();
+ if (isStringConstant()) {
+ module = currentMatch!.group(3)!;
+ } else {
+ if ((currentMatch = regExpVariable.firstMatch(currentArguments)) !=
+ null) {
+ final variable = currentMatch!.group(0);
if (moduleVariables.containsKey(variable)) {
module = moduleVariables[variable]!;
} else {
'$currentFile-$currentLineNo: unknown module variable: $variable');
+ module = errorModule;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return module;
+ }
+ /// Gets the text (multiple lines) from the [currentArguments].
+ /// [currentArguments] is the string behind the 'trMulti('.
+ void handleMultiText() {
+ logger.error('not implemented: trMulti()');
+ }
+ /// Gets the text (multiple lines) from the [currentArguments] .
+ /// [currentArguments] is the string behind the 'trPlural('.
+ void handlePluralText() {
+ currentIxLines = currentLineNo;
+ handleEmptyArgument();
+ if (!isStringConstant()) {
+ logger.error(
+ '$currentFile-$currentLineNo: cannot analyse parameters of ntr().'
+ ' Missing first string constant.');
+ } else {
+ String key1 = currentMatch!.group(3)!;
+ if (!hasComma()) {
+ logger.error(
+ '$currentFile-$currentLineNo: cannot analyse parameters of ntr().'
+ ' Missing second string constant.');
+ } else {
+ handleEmptyArgument();
+ if (!isStringConstant()) {
+ logger.error(
+ '$currentFile-$currentLineNo: cannot analyse parameters of tr().'
+ ' Second argument is not a string constant.');
} else {
- module = currentModule;
+ String key2 = currentMatch!.group(3)!;
+ String module = handleModuleArgument();
+ putPluralKey(key1, key2, module);
- if (key == null) {
+ }
+ /// Gets the text (single line) from the [currentArguments] and store it.
+ /// [currentArguments] is the string behind the 'tr('.
+ void handleSimpleText() {
+ currentIxLines = currentLineNo;
+ handleEmptyArgument();
+ if (!isStringConstant()) {
- '$currentFile-$currentLineNo: cannot analyse parameters of tr()');
+ '$currentFile-$currentLineNo: cannot analyse parameters of tr().'
+ ' Missing string constant.');
} else {
- putText(key, currentFile, currentLineNo, module);
+ String module;
+ final key = currentMatch?.group(3);
+ module = handleModuleArgument();
+ putText(key!, module);
- /// Gets the text (with placeholders) from the [arguments] and store it.
- /// [arguments] is the string behind the 'trArgs('.
- void handleTextWithArgs(String? arguments) {
- logger.error('not implemented: trArgs()');
+ /// Gets the text (with placeholders) from the [currentArguments] and store it.
+ /// [currentArguments] is the string behind the 'trArgs('.
+ void handleTextWithArgs() {
+ currentIxLines = currentLineNo;
+ handleEmptyArgument();
+ if (!isStringConstant()) {
+ logger.error(
+ '$currentFile-$currentLineNo: cannot analyse parameters of trArgs().'
+ ' Missing string constant.');
+ } else {
+ String module;
+ final key = currentMatch?.group(3);
+ module = handleModuleArgument();
+ putText(key!, module);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Tests whether the [currentArguments] is preceded by a ','.
+ /// If true the comma is removed from the [currentArguments].
+ bool hasComma() {
+ final rc = currentArguments.startsWith(',');
+ if (rc) {
+ currentArguments = currentArguments.substring(1).trimLeft();
+ }
+ return rc;
+ }
+ /// Tests whether the [currentArguments] is preceded by a string constant.
+ /// If true the [currentMatch] contains the string content and the
+ /// string constant is removed from the [currentArguments].
+ bool isStringConstant() {
+ if ((currentMatch = regExpStringConstant.firstMatch(currentArguments)) !=
+ null) {
+ currentArguments =
+ currentArguments.substring(currentMatch!.end).trimLeft();
+ }
+ return currentMatch != null;
+ }
+ /// Stores the data of a plural text entry.
+ void putPluralKey(String key1, String key2, String module) {
+ if (!mapPlurals.containsKey(module)) {
+ mapPlurals[module] = <String, PluralValue>{};
+ }
+ String reference = '#: $currentFile:$currentLineNo';
+ if (module != errorModule && mapModules[module]?[key1] != null) {
+ logger.error('$currentFile-$currentLineNo: key already defined as normal '
+ 'key. Modify key with the invisible tag <#1> or <#2> or ... at the '
+ 'end to make it unique.\nFirst found in ' +
+ mapModules[module]![key1]!);
+ putText(key1, errorModule);
+ } else if (mapPlurals[module]!.containsKey(key1)) {
+ if (mapPlurals[module]![key1]!.keyPlural == key2) {
+ mapPlurals[module]![key1]!.references.add(reference);
+ } else {
+ logger.error('$currentFile-$currentLineNo: multiple definition of a '
+ 'plural key but keyPlural is different. Modify key1 with the'
+ ' invisible tag <#1> or <#2> or ... at the end to make it '
+ 'unique.\nFirst found in ' +
+ mapPlurals[module]![key1]!.references[0]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ mapPlurals[module]![key1] = PluralValue(key2, [reference]);
+ }
/// Stores the [key] in the [module] map with location info [filename] and
/// [lineNo].
- void putText(String key, String filename, int lineNo, [String module = '']) {
+ void putText(String key, [String module = '']) {
if (module.isEmpty) {
module = currentModule;
- if (!modules.containsKey(module)) {
- modules[module] = <String, String>{};
+ if (!mapModules.containsKey(module)) {
+ mapModules[module] = <String, String>{};
- if (modules[module]!.containsKey(key)) {
- modules[module]![key] = modules[module]![key]! + '\n#: $filename:$lineNo';
+ if (module != errorModule && mapPlurals[module]?[key] != null) {
+ logger.error('$currentFile-$currentLineNo: key already defined as plural '
+ 'key. Modify key with the invisible tag <#1> or <#2> or ... at '
+ 'the end to make it unique.\nFirst found in ' +
+ mapPlurals[module]![key]!.references[0]);
+ putText(key, errorModule);
+ } else if (mapModules[module]!.containsKey(key)) {
+ mapModules[module]![key] =
+ mapModules[module]![key]! + '\n#: $currentFile:$currentLineNo';
} else {
- modules[module]![key] = '#: $filename:$lineNo';
+ mapModules[module]![key] = '#: $currentFile:$currentLineNo';
/// Scans the [file] for I18N texts.
/// [directory]: used for logging.
void scanFile(File file, String directory) {
+ logger.log('parsing ${file.path}', LEVEL_DETAIL);
try {
currentFile = join(directory, file.path);
lines = file.readAsLinesSync();
moduleVariables[match.group(1)!] = currentModule;
} else {
for (match in regExpText.allMatches(line)) {
- final restLine = line.substring(match.end);
+ currentArguments = line.substring(match.end);
switch (match.group(2)!) {
case 'tr':
- handleSimpleText(restLine);
+ handleSimpleText();
case 'trMulti':
- handleMultiText(restLine);
+ handleMultiText();
- case 'trPlural':
- handlePluralText(restLine);
+ case 'ntr':
+ handlePluralText();
case 'trArgs':
- handleTextWithArgs(restLine);
+ handleTextWithArgs();
+ String convertString(String key) {
+ final rc = key.replaceAll('"', r'\"');
+ return rc;
+ }
/// Writes the *.pot files to the [directory].
void writePot(String directory) {
- for (var module in modules.keys) {
- final map = modules[module]!;
+ final doneModules = <String>{};
+ for (var module in mapModules.keys) {
+ doneModules.add(module);
+ final map = mapModules[module]!;
final keys = map.keys.toList();
+ Map<String, PluralValue>? map2;
+ if (mapPlurals.containsKey(module)) {
+ map2 = mapPlurals[module];
+ keys.addAll(map2!.keys);
+ }
- final buffer = StringBuffer('# Texts of module $module, parsed by i18n_text_parser\n');
+ final buffer = StringBuffer(
+ '# Texts of module $module, parsed by i18n_text_parser\n');
for (var key in keys) {
- buffer.writeln();
- buffer.writeln(map[key]);
- final key2 = key.replaceAll('"', r'\"');
+ buffer.writeln();
+ buffer.writeln(map.containsKey(key)
+ ? map[key]
+ : map2![key]!.references.join('\n'));
+ var key2 = convertString(key);
buffer.writeln('msgid "$key2"');
- buffer.writeln('msgstr ""');
+ if (map.containsKey(key)) {
+ buffer.writeln('msgstr ""');
+ } else {
+ key2 = convertString(map2![key]!.keyPlural);
+ buffer.writeln('msgid_plural "$key2"');
+ buffer.writeln('msgstr[0] ""');
+ buffer.writeln('msgstr[1] ""');
+ }
final fn = join(directory, '$module.pot');
logger.log('writing $fn', LEVEL_DETAIL);
+ for (var module in mapPlurals.keys) {
+ if (!doneModules.contains(module)) {
+ final map = mapPlurals[module];
+ final keys = map!.keys.toList();
+ keys.sort();
+ final buffer = StringBuffer(
+ '# Texts of module $module, parsed by i18n_text_parser\n');
+ for (var key in keys) {
+ buffer.writeln();
+ buffer.writeln(map[key]!.references.join('\n'));
+ var key2 = convertString(key);
+ buffer.writeln('msgid "$key2"');
+ key2 = convertString(map[key]!.keyPlural);
+ buffer.writeln('msgid_plural "$key2"');
+ buffer.writeln('msgstr[0] ""');
+ buffer.writeln('msgstr[1] ""');
+ }
+ final fn = join(directory, '$module.pot');
+ logger.log('writing $fn', LEVEL_DETAIL);
+ File(fn).writeAsStringSync(buffer.toString());
+ }
+ }
+/// Stores the data of a plural text.
+class PluralValue {
+ final List<String> references;
+ final String keyPlural;
+ PluralValue(this.keyPlural, this.references);
final parser = I18nTextParser(logger);
- expect(parser.modules, isNotEmpty);
- expect(parser.modules.containsKey('Example'), isTrue);
- expect(parser.modules.containsKey('!global'), isTrue);
- expect(parser.modules.containsKey('Sample'), isTrue);
- expect(parser.modules['Example']!.containsKey('introduction'), isTrue);
- expect(parser.modules['Sample']!.containsKey('info'), isTrue);
+ expect(parser.mapModules, isNotEmpty);
+ expect(parser.mapModules.containsKey('Example'), isTrue);
+ expect(parser.mapModules.containsKey('!global'), isTrue);
+ expect(parser.mapModules.containsKey('Sample'), isTrue);
+ expect(parser.mapModules['Example']!.containsKey('introduction'), isTrue);
+ expect(parser.mapModules['Sample']!.containsKey('info'), isTrue);
var fn = join(targetDir, 'Example.pot');
var content = fileSync.fileAsString(fn);
expect(content, '''# Texts of module Example, parsed by i18n_text_parser
content = fileSync.fileAsString(fn);
expect(content, '''# Texts of module Sample, parsed by i18n_text_parser
-#: /tmp/unittest/i18n/lib/base/args.dart:5
+#: /tmp/unittest/i18n/lib/base/args.dart:8
+msgid "Name: {0} Role: {1}"
+msgstr ""
+#: /tmp/unittest/i18n/lib/base/args.dart:8
msgid "info"
msgstr ""
+#: /tmp/unittest/i18n/lib/base/args.dart:4
+msgid "one piece"
+msgid_plural "%d pieces"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
fn = join(targetDir, '!global.pot');
content = fileSync.fileAsString(fn);
expect(content, '''# Texts of module !global, parsed by i18n_text_parser
-#: /tmp/unittest/i18n/lib/base/simple.dart:10
-#: /tmp/unittest/i18n/lib/base/args.dart:9
+#: /tmp/unittest/i18n/lib/base/simple.dart:11
+#: /tmp/unittest/i18n/lib/base/args.dart:12
msgid "Status line"
msgstr ""
+ fn = join(targetDir, 'Statistic.pot');
+ content = fileSync.fileAsString(fn);
+ expect(content, '''# Texts of module Statistic, parsed by i18n_text_parser
+#: /tmp/unittest/i18n/lib/base/simple.dart:9
+msgid "one piece"
+msgid_plural "%d pieces"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+String count() => i18N.ntr('one piece', '%d pieces', "Statistic", 3);
String footer(){
return I18N().tr("Status line");
fileSync.toFile(join(subDir, 'args.dart'), r'''import 'dart:io';
final i18N = I18N();
final M = i18N.module("Sample");
+String count() => i18N.ntr(
+ 'one piece',
+ '%d pieces', M, countItems('any'));
String header(String user, String role){
- return i18N.trArgs('Name: {0} Role: {1}', [user, role], M) + " " + i18N.tr(
+ return i18N.trArgs('Name: {0} Role: {1}', M, [user, role]) + " " + i18N.tr(
r'info', M);
String footer(){